The beginning

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"You stupid bitch I told you to wash the dishes before I got home" Richard said

Ugh here we go again me getting yelled at for the dishes he comes home every day yelling at me for nothing I'm so sick an tired of it but I'm to scared to do anything about it.

"I-I-I was doing my homework" Kayla said

"Smack" I don't give a fuck wash the dishes then take yo ass upstairs" Richard said

You see he gets so mad he starts hitting me I hate It . I picked my self up off the ground wiping the tears away that fell an walked into the kitchen.

Let me introduce myself properly my name is Kayla Lorenzo I'm 17 years old. I go to westbound high people tell me I'm pretty all the time but i don't believe them I'm Puerto Rican an black my hair comes mid back it's a honey brown but I died it alil black it almost comes to my butt but I always wear it in ponytails cause I'm so insecure people say I'm thick but I've never really saw my self in that way an my eyes are hazel but I wear glasses. that man that was yelling at me is my dad he is always used to be like this but after my mom left he started he started getting worst staying out late drinking and then started hitting me he says my mom left us cause she didn't want me I spent years looking for her just to ask her why she left me with this monster but I ques I'll never know.

When I got done washing the dishes I walked out the kitchen an walked in the living room walking by Richard trying to get upstairs when he grabbed my arm pulling me on his lap

"You know daddy sorry right" Richard said

I didn't say anything I didn't have time for this I was trying to really go to bed an now he wanna say something. He grabbed my chin making look at him I could smell the liquor on his breath

"Right" Richard said

He let me go pushing me off his lap

"When you get home tommorrow I expect my food to be ready an the dishes washed" Richard said

When he said dishes he squeezed my hand reminding me on why I got smacked I winced from the pain but said yes when he let go of my hand an I was walking up the stairs he smacked my butt then started chuckling ugh I wanted to turn around and punch him in the face an say you dirty bastard who kisses there own fricken daughter. When I got upstairs I went to the bathroom in my room son looked in the mirror I had bags under my eyes and a bruise from we're he smacked me an my skin looked paler I gasped at the way I looked I didn't like it not one bit i hurried an turned away from the mirror an began running my shower water when I got it the way I liked I stripped out my clothes an slowly got in the shower I hissed at the water hitting my left over bruises it stung a little but I continued to wash my body and think I wish I was I would of at least got the chance to meet my mom. When I got out the shower I wrapped a towel,around my body and stepped out the bathroom I went in my dresser an grabbed my bra an panties my boy shorts and tank top when I got done getting dressed I climbed in my bed an silently cried my self to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2015 ⏰

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