Naruto in the real world

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***As the title states, this chapter is my own version of the Naruto crew falling into the real world. The OC for the chapter's name is Sam. Side pic is Sam. The settings in in USA. And let's all pretend even though all the Naruto characters probably speak Japanese and my OC doesn't that they could magically all understand each other. Also lets pretend Sasuke didn't run away from Konoha and is still here because it's more fun with Sasuke in it too. Any way hope you enjoy my creation of what happened if the Naruto crew fell into the real world.***

"Aaaauuggghhhh!" Naruto's obnoxious yell could be heard through the entire fall. For some strange reason when Konoha 11, their senseis, and the Sand Siblings were walking back from a tiring mission when a huge hole suddenly opened up under them. It seemed like a black hole. They all fell through it not expecting it. And now all of them at the present were falling down. Naruto is yelling in confusion in all the open space. Sakura and Ino were both hugging an extremely annoyed Sasuke screaming. All the other were calmly trying to figure what was going on. Soon they all saw the end of their trip coming. A small hole with light shining through was coming up fast. Everyone that wasn't screaming prepared to land when they finally landed. The way out was a little small so they ended up cramped on top of each other when they all landed with Naruto at the bottom. They made a loud thud sound.

"Hey! Get off of me!" Naruto's muffled yelling could be heard from under everyone. Hatake Kakashi being more observant than his student shushed him.

"Be quiet Naruto. We need to find out where we are first. Don't attract unwanted attention." Shikamaru and Neji already thinking around the same lines were scanning the surroundings. They all seemed to have fallen into a regular study room. It had normal boring beige colored walls with a desk in the corner and plenty of papers and books scattered around the desk. Bookshelves were on the opposite wall with more books. It looked ordinary not at all like what they expected to see since they fell through an unknown portal.

"Kakashi-sensei, what do we do now?" All the ninjas were huddles together trying to form their next move. Before Kakashi could get in an idiotic man in green spandex pushed in front shouting forgetting they were supposed to be quiet.

"Hold on there my eternal rival! I should be the one to make the commands! For I-" Everyone except his excited pupil Rock Lee, were now ignoring Gai's ranting to actually forming a plan for what to do next.

"We should probably start exploring around to find our actual location." Asuma stated.

"Shouldn't we be more cautious? Whatever we're dealing with could be dangerous. It may have transported us here." Kurenai also stated.

Kakashi nodded his head in agreement. "We should probably," he paused for a second confused. "Has Gai stopped talking?" Before anyone could reply a thud could be heard behind Kakashi and then he fell to the ground. All the jonin were surprised to see a young red headed girl with a bat behind Kakashi. Behind her were a knocked out Gai and Lee. Before anyone could reaction she leaped at them knocking out Asuma with her bat.

"Hey what do you think you're doing!? You can't do that to Kakashi-sensei!" And Naruto became out for the count. Everyone too surprised or confused to figure out what was going on anymore got knocked out with the girl's bat. Soon the room was filled with unconscious ninjas sprawled across the entire study room. The unknown girl swung the bat back onto her shoulders looking around for any more before she found some rope and tied them all up. Pushing and shoving them all out of the room into her kitchen.

Sasuke was the last to wake up. He found himself tied in rope. He felt a strange sense of deja vu from the academy days when Naruto tied him up inside a closet. He looked around to see everyone looking at something quietly. He turned his eyes to see a girl talking into some strange rectangular piece. He looked at everyone questioning why they weren't breaking out of the ropes. Sakura close to him answered for him. "Kakashi-sensei says we should stay quiet and see what's going to happen." That made enough sense. He turned back to the younger girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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