The plan

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Alice's pov
Its been two months since Edward left bella on their honeymoon and know one has seen edward since. Me and jasper decided to get bella away from forks for a bit so we have planed a trip down to Canada we will be leaving later today but bella has know Idea what we are planning. Me and jasper are walking up bellas steps I knock on the door and no more then a minute later bella opens it.
''what are you guys doing here''she asked in a confused voice.
''We are going on a trip just to get you out of forks for a bit and I'm not taking no for a answer.''I said
''Fine but I have to pack and tell Charlie I'm leaving. But were are we going.'' She asked in a anowed manner.
''No need we have got your bags packed and talked to Charlie and he loves the idea.'' Jasper answered
''And were not telling you where were going you'll find out.''I said
''Ok let's go then but I hate surprise and you know that.''she said in a frustrated tone. I just giggled and skipped to the car with jasper and bella behind me. I jumped in the car and started our trip to Canada.

So here is the first chapter let me know what you think and how to make it beter should I do bella or Peter's prov next.

Bella and Peter Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz