Character Sketch

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Character Sketch

The first thing you noticed about Liam, was the smell of both fresh and stale body odour. Living on the streets as long as he had, there was little opportunity to wash either himself or the clothes he wore. Though he had a change of clothes, carried in plastic bags, he had changed into them many times before. Generally he looked Grimy and unkempt. Similarly he had a wild head of hair and a puffy beard, flecked with gray and white hairs.

Not that Liam had always been like this, he had been a successful business owner, who showered daily and liked to look and smell like success. His world had come crashing down one day, when a corporate rival decided they would crush his business after an unsuccessful take over bid had been made. The stress of this situation had led to a mental breakdown in which everything span out of sight. First casualty was the business, then his relationship, the final blow was the repossession of the house. Nearly twenty years ago he found himself on the street with nowhere to he acted like he had never known anything different. Living on the streets as long as he has, the first victim was his innocence. A hard life promoted hard lessons, after twenty years Liam had learned most of what there was to know about being homeless.One aspect of his previous existence still held sway, the weekly ritual of buying a lottery ticket. Sometimes he had won five or ten pounds, he had even won fifty pounds one time, a feat he wished he could repeat, for he had ate like a King that particular week.

Not having a home to go to meant that he had no TV, No radio, no computer and no internet. To check his numbers he regularly brought his ticket to be scanned at the Asian run seven/eleven.There it would be revealed whether he had achieved the elusive fifty pounds again. As the lottery machine scanned his ticket, he looked longingly at the bars of chocolate, a growling noise, or may be it was just a feeling of that emitted from his stomach. The shop clerk seemed stunned. Prompting Liam to ask in his Dorset twang, "Well?"

"Sorry I can't believe this!" replied the shop assistant "You've got the jackpot sixty-five million pounds!"

Liam was too stunned to speak, he felt removed from reality. "You sure?"

"Yes I'm positive, you've got all six numbers"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2020 ⏰

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