Here it is again!

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It was Christmas once again, in the Beatle household. All was calm. John was casually reading a book upside down. As you do. Paul was playing on the light up organ. Ringo was having a plain and ordinary cup of tea. Whereas George wasn't in the house at all, but was out raiding all the supermarkets he could find, or that's what they thought. Neither of them hardly went out of the house unless it was an emergency, and for George food was. 




He never cared about anything else. However, he's been out longer than usual and everyone was rather worried. Well everyone except John. He just assumed George had found the largest shop in town and was getting all the food in sight. Paul sent a glare Lennon's way and suggested that they should go and look for him. This was thought to be a good idea until he remembered why they don't go out. They'd be swarmed by a mob of fans. He shuddered at the idea of it. But this was a serious matter. They had to do something.

But what?

Only one could go.

But who?


Well here's the first chapter, i'll probably write the next one tomorrow until then Cheerio!!

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