
21 3 14

Hello, I am Nikolai Arlovskaya.

Admin took my knives and forced me to do this.

So...Eh...I suppose send questions? Of anykind here?

Also that font is when Admin (I) writes.

Go ahead and ask questions.

And to make the process quicker. I tag some people:


I only know their Anons...
Anyway, you don't need to stay in-character.

I also just picked random accounts which I once or twice hace talked to...because I feel weird tagging someone without having a single clue who it is.

As well to my writing style...I use to cut a text in multiple things to make it more comfortable to read and because it's better to comment.

Now bye!

Admin said more than me...

Asking stuff.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin