The Attack

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Disclaimer: I do not own Beastars.

Warning: This story will be a punch of heavy topics but also topped with cutesy moments. Read at your own risk.


Chapter One

The Attack


"There!" Haru said as she wiped the sweat off her forehead. Taking a step back, she admired her strawberry cake, appreciating the whipped detail she put on top. Her black little eyes drifted to the clock, taking in the time. Her ears dropped, stressed evident on her face.

"Shoot," Haru hissed, wiping her hands on her messy apron. "It's late. It's late." She had promised her boss she would leave before sun down, and it was now way past sundown. It was 10:17, to be exact, which meant she had less than an hour to catch the last train back home.

Frantically she cleaned the kitchen as quick as she could, doing her best to leave the place at least half decent before leaving. But she was doing a poor job, and she knew it. She cringed as she slid all the dirty utensils into the sink, leaving them there unwashed.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow, I'll just come in before Mike gets in and finish up, Haru thought to herself. Quickly she peeled off her apron and chucked it in the washing machine. She picked up the laundry soap and messily poured in too much, her ears twitching with anxiety. It's fine. It'll be fine.

Haru was a rabbit. A small dwarf rabbit at that. She was also very clearly a herbivore and one of the golden rules for herbivores was 1) never walk in the dark, especially alone and 2) never walk in the dark, especially alone.

And she was breaking both those rules.

By the time she was putting her winter boots and her jacket on, it was 10:46. She had time, but she was going to have to rush. And if she missed it, she was going to have to get a cab -- which frankly, she couldn't afford.

"Stupid thing!" Haru hissed as she jabbed her finger at the button, trying to set the alarm.

Closing the door behind her, she looked around the street. There was no one around; just her and the icy air of a winter night. Her ears perked up instinctively to get better sound in, tuning in to her surroundings. Her leg muscles coiled tightly as she speed walked down the dark street. Her heart pounded in her ribcage, pumping hot blood into all her arteries. It was hot. She was burning up. Was she getting sick? Or was she panicking? God, she hated walking in the dark.

She panted, her breath forming little white clouds of mist in front of her. Her eyes drifted up, scanning the promotion signs that hung over the metro station entrance. There was a sign for the cafe she worked at. It was promoting their signature strawberry cake.

Her heart stopped.

"No!" She groaned, remembering she left the cake out on the counter. It would melt. Which meant the morning costumer wouldn't get their cake. Which meant every other order would get behind. Which meant trouble. Trouble she couldn't afford. She was already walking on thin ice with Mike. She had always been a bit clumsy and forgetful.

Haru stopped walking.

There was no choice. She had to go back.

With her ears hanging low, Haru turned around, staring down the familiar street she walked on almost every day. Her feet dragged under her, defeated.

She would have to dig into her savings to get a cab and she barely had enough to get groceries this month. And to get across town? It was more than just pocket change. She chewed the inside of her cheek with stress.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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