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That day, everyone in the world turned to stone.

The laboratory in school was never empty for a reasonable amount of time, some students had night school and lingered around inside when the afternoon was in session, and the majority of the school was off campus. It was a visual masterpiece towards those who were infatuated with the beauty and wonders of science. The knowledge ranged from everything, it held power to accomplish the near impossible, and there was no doubt that those who took interest in it were withheld from their creativity and determination due to the weary eyes coming from everyone, perhaps those around them, maybe their own colleagues. Science held a variety of ranges, those in the community were all in their own territory of creation and discoveries, never quite lingering around each other since they all seemed to near a similar detail amongst every individual involved in the scientific territory. It was funny, when mentioned, they all do one single thing. Deny, deny, deny. It didn't come down to a surprise to any person that didn't work in the law of nature, Yuzuriha Ogawa was a sweet girl, very polite and respectful towards anyone. She never associated herself with the scientific genre, but she had a friend that she held dear that was all about science. Two of them, now that she thought about it.

Ishigami Senkuu was a genius, the brunette considered him a dear friend, being introduced through one of her much closer friends, Taiju Oki, a brute of a man more than a normal high-schooler. He was dense, not very intelligent in terms of academic knowledge, but he was open-minded and very understanding to each and every one of his friends. Taiju and Senkuu had been friends since childhood, the young scientist always had a knack for experimenting and never passed up the opportunity to try something new, since his best friend was his everloving guinea pig. Even then, Taiju never complained. There was never a mutter of discomfort, in fact, the brunette was always eager to learn, despite knowing that he wouldn't be able to remember anything that Senkuu says, he loved listening to any sort of fact coming from his best friend's mouth, and not to mention the experiments. It seemed unpromising in the beginning, but after seeing the amazing abilities that science withheld, Taiju had all sorts of fun when it came down to being a little lab rat. Well, a big one, he supposed. Senkuu never took things too far either, even as an emotionally dense individual, he knew his boundaries, it would be hypocritical of him not to follow what his friend allowed him to do and somehow step past those drawn lines. He was a fragile guy, not very strong and not very big on physical contact. Safe to say, Senkuu hated the feeling of anyone touching him without his permission.

Byakuya seemed to be the only exception, speaking so, he was his father.

It was near afternoon when Senkuu finished up his final class of the day, and was on his way towards his beloved laboratory, located on the other side of the school. The sunlight peered through the windows in vivid rays, seeping into the milky skin of the scientist while he peered through the glass in morbid curiosity. It was a bit rare when the halls were quiet, there were always students either lingering outside the doors trying to squeeze out some more conversations before lessons started, or the couples who didn't exactly consider the comfort of the people around them when they stood around in an embrace. Senkuu hated those the most, the ones that publicly displayed their affection and took it a little too far. He'd show up to school early and the couples would be on each other, touching waists or shoulders or necks, it caused an involuntary shiver up his spine even though no one was around. Scarlet eyes trailed across the details of the walls in the hallway, the patterns of the ceiling and the polished marble of the floor. His odd little habit, that he never remembered developing, something that got himself into some weird trouble often, his need to observe his surroundings and overanalyze everything that didn't concern him. Senkuu never spoke out on it, he wasn't that bored.

"Oi, Senkuu!"

There was a brawny arm that enticed around his neck in a friendly embrace, and Senkuu suppressed the urge to let the uncomfortable frown crawl on his face. "Hey, Taiju." He greeted his best friend curtly, tugging his earbud out and tucking it into the collar of his uniform shirt, swiftly hitting pause in order to hear his friend better, not like the brute was quiet. Fairly the opposite. The two of them walked in the empty halls in fast-paced steps, knowing that their official hangout spot was the laboratory classroom just down the end of the hall. "Finally finished that literature assignment." The brunette yawned, pulling his arm back to stretch languishly, a groan of exhaustion escaping his mouth as he waved his hands around. "Ah! There's something really important I gotta tell ya in the lab!" Taiju suddenly interrupted himself, a glimmer of excitement filling the gorgeous hickory color of his wide eyes. There was no good guess that Senkuu could make when it came down to his friend, Taiju was an enigma, a multitude of emotions that even the smartest person couldn't be able to analyze him.

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