Best Seller

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Alan loves reading. So he spends most of his time reading different best selling books. He also spends a lot of time thinking after reading a book. One day he went to his local library to buy some books. On the top of a self he saw those books with the best seller tags. He bought 2 best-sellers from the library and returned home with excitement. 

After reading the first one he felt great, he also took some notes on what he learned from that novel. The second day he read the other one. "But this one is total garbage!," the thought after finishing it. 

After spending sometime thinking about those books the realized,"Best seller doesn't means it have to necessarily good, it's just the number of sales that matters here."

The next time he went to the local library the didn't looked at the tags, he bought some books written by the authors he never heard before and after he read them, he realized how underrated they were. From that day, Alan never looked at the tags while buying books. 

"There should be a different shelf for the books that are best written," he thought. 

Sadly, there isn't.

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