The Bank Situation

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Hotchner POV

(LD- lead detective, A/H- Hotch, D- Rossi, B- Blake, JJ- JJ, M- Morgan, R- Reid, P/G- Garcia, Z-Zoe)

LD- Detective James Collins, Thank you for coming 

A- Hello i am SSA Aaron Hotchner, this is my team what is happening

LD- Well we have one man in the bank holding it hostage, we have tried to communicate but he isnt listening, he has gone ballistic. We were hoping you could try to talk him down, but if not we have our best sniper on standby. 

A- we are going to try but i would like to meet him

LD- her and alright, can someone find me Andrews

O- On it sir

Zoe's POV

I was told to assemble my rifle in case the FBI cant talk down this shooter. I was doing said thing when an officer came to get me, apparently mr.fbi man wants to meet me. When i walk over  i see a six foot tall man. When i say man i mean man. 

Z- you called

LD- Andrews meet SSA Aaron hotchner, Hotchner this is our sniper, top of her class. 

Z- nice to meet you hotchner. 

A- what branch did you serve in 

Z- how 

A- im a profiler, besides i have seen enough vets. 

Z- oh, um army. I was a sharp shooter, I could hit a moving target at a distance of 1.45 miles. 

A- i see why your the best. 

JJ- hotch lines active

Z- can i have a ear piece tapped into that. I need it in case things go south. 

JJ- um 

A- give it to her. i trust her

Z- thats a first for anyone. 

A- i will be on that line so if i say its going bad i want you to take the shot. If i say hop then take the shot 

JJ- here

Z- thanks, gtg have to get in position 

With that i left. 

TIME SKIP 20 minutes later 

I was laying on the roof with a clear line of sight of the unsub.

LD- teams ready up

T1- ready

T2- Ready

T3- ready

LD- Zoe check in 

Z- hold, target is out of sight. 

LD- check

Z- Ready target is back in sight. 

LD-  connecting now

With that my ear piece came to life, i hear hotchner breathing waiting for the unsub to answer. Finally he picks up the phone. 

U- what 

A- my name is SSA Aaron Hotchner, i am with the FBI


A- yes i am here because i can do more for you then these officers out here can do.

U- what can you do for me 

A- first off i can get you out of there, but only if you release the hostages


A- why do they need to stay

U- because i said so. 

A- alright, do you need anything else

U- for all these officers to leave. If they dont leave then i start shooting hostages, you dont want that now do you.

A- No one wants that, so why dont we just talk

U- we are talking. 

A- that we are. Do you want to tell me why you are doing this

U- because i want to, i felt like it

A- alright, thats fine, did you want the money or 


A- no one said anything 

U- you called me a coward, im not and i will prove it. Im going to shoot someone.

A- fine hope to it then. 

Code word was given, but i wont kill him.

My shots were fired so quickly they sounding as one. That is what happens when you have a custom build rifle. One shot at the gun. The other right under the right knee cap. By the time i got off the roof they unsub was being wheeled into an ambulance. I placed my rifle on the table and started to disassemble it.

R- how many shots did you fire. It only sounded like one, which is what Morgan is saying but i am saying it was two. 

Z- Who are you 

R- i am

M- you pretty boy stop flirting with the sniper, she will eat you alive

Z- pretty boy

R- Morgan i told you....

He walked over to the other guy just as hotchner walked up to me. 

A- two shots, one at the gun, the other in the leg. 

Z- one to disarm, they other to stop retrieval of the gun. 

A- sounded like one. 

Z- custom built rifle, fires a full mag like an automatic but it is a sniper. It can also go from sniper mode to assault rifle. Two different ammo's are used. 

A- impressive

R- sorry about that i am Dr. Spencer Reid. I am apart of hotch's team. 

Z- oh you have a team, look it was nice to meet you but i have to go take apart my rifle. i was called in on my day off for this. 

i started to walk towards the ambulance to see the unsub before i left. I was opening the back door when a shot range out. 

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