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A handsome man with the brightest smile you'll ever see sketched away on a piece of paper as he listened to a beautiful woman talk.

"Of course, it'll have to be made out of gold. The jewel that my husband gave me can only be suited for a golden band, you see?" she flipped her hair and crossed her legs.

"Definitely!" the man smiled and handed the woman the sketch that he had drawn. "This is the initial design that I made for your wedding ring. Is it according to your tastes?"

The woman picked up the paper with skeptical eyes as if she doubted the man's skills, but the moment her eyes laid themselves on the design, she found herself in awe. "Oh my, you certainly have a gift, Mr. Wei! It's exactly how I wanted it!" she handed him back the paper with a satisfied smile on her red-stained lips. "Continue with this design!"

Mr. Wei chuckled and folded the paper neatly, placing it inside of a drawer for later. "Yes, lady Yang!"

"Well then, I'll be on my way-"

"Lady Yang, may I ask you a question?" the designer asked so suddenly.

The beautiful lady paused on her way to the door. "What is it?"

Wei leaned against his desk and cocked his head to the side, a small smile on his face. "I heard that your husband was planning on running for a seat in politics. How's it going for him?"

"Oh!" lady Yang clapped her gloved hands together and said, "Quite well!" she came up closer and tapped him on the shoulder playfully. "I'm not supposed to say this, but since I know you so well, I'm sure it's alright! My husband recently spoke with one of his competitors, and it didn't seem like they were as motivated to run for the seat!" she gripped her chin and then pondered. "It's a wonder why that man disappeared after their talk... poor man."'

Wei's smile grew wider at her words. "Yes, indeed. What a shame." He looked at the clock on his wall and gasped. "You best go home now, Lady Yang. Your husband will be upset if you go home too early... he might think you're up to things."

"What kind of things?" the lady asked.

The handsome man brought a finger to brush down her left cheek, and whispered, "All sorts of things..." the woman blushed and held the side of her cheek. Wei led her to the door and saw her off. "Goodbye, lady Yang! I'll have the design ready by the end of the month!"

Closing the door, Wei clapped his hands in satisfaction. It was another successful day.


At the top of the designer's shop, Wei closed the door to his quarters and began writing a letter. However, there was something strange about this particular letter.

A regular person reading it wouldn't understand anything at all. However, he could understand it. After all, it was a code taught to him since long ago.

This man's name wasn't Wei. It was XiaoZhan. No need to sugarcoat anything—he was a spy. He lived by lying to others and tricking them into giving him the information that he needed. It's not so bad, after all, he got try lots of things. It was like being an actor, and he always wanted to act.

XiaoZhan rolled the small paper. He opened his window and gave out a whistle, immediately a pigeon came to sit on the windowsill. "Good girl..." he smiled and gave the bird a pet. "Take this back home safely, okay?" with the letter inside of the bird's little case attached to its leg, it flew away into the sky until it was no longer visible.

So, that damn Yang really did kill the old general, huh. XiaoZhan's smile disappeared and in its place was a blank expression. It wasn't enough that he was lying to the people and selling drugs. After bribing people to get the votes in his favor he just had to go and kill the old general.

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