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"Didn't love-trust-need-left-you."


"Come on! Work!"

The shrill exclamation of effort interrupted Catra's not so deep slumber. It would be a lie to say she wasn't glad for the interruption. It wasn't like her dream was going anywhere pleasant. Opening her eyes, Catra strained even with her night vision to see in the dark. The ground was cold and seemed like it had frozen her blood from the long-time she was sitting there.

Grunting, Catra sat up, instantly clutching her head to try to ward off her pounding headache. Glancing around, it seems she was in a prison cell with green shining bars that Catra recognized as the same ones they had at the Horde. However, looking closer, these bars had First One's writings in the bars, cascading down the bar like a never-ending code. Look at you Catra, a prisoner, once again.

A flash of purple and pink light made Catra's fur stand on end. The light dissipated suddenly as it had appeared. How had she not noticed the obvious presence of another person, let alone the princess of Brightmoon, in the cell with her? The princess- Sparkles?- grunted and exclaimed again out of pain as the light flickered away.

Catra hated magic. Like, really hated magic. You could say it was like magic had killed her parents, and well Catra didn't know, but she could assume. Her hatred for magic started out early, Shadow Weaver's relentless use of her dark magic had ingrained a certain hatred in her brain, along with most magic users being princesses. It only worsened when Adora had left to be a magic adept princess with all new magic loving and magic using stupid frilly princesses that took Adora away from-

"Oh good. You're awake," Glimmer's voice was final and was encrypted with venom and hate.

"Yep. Slept beautifully for your information." Catra knew her deep bags were still evident in the dark. And the cracks and dryness of her voice probably didn't sound very intimidating.

"Look what you did. Now, we are Horde Prime's prisoners." Glimmer accused. Catra immediately went to deny deny deny like she was used to, but she stopped herself.

"That seems to be the case."

"This is probably what you wanted from the beginning, huh?" Catra's silence seemed to fuel Glimmer's anger. "Were you even friends with Adora back in the Horde, or were you just trying to manipulate her into becoming the key for this whole mess?!" Glimmer huffed, forgetting to take a breath while speaking. She was ready to go back into a yelling fit before she heard weak sniffling. It was hard to see in the dark but seeing the way tears glowed in the green hue of the bars, she knew hat Catra was crying.

"I..." Catra started, wiping her eyes. "I don't even know. Was I?" She wasn't talking to Glimmer, that much was obvious. Glimmer felt conflicted. Her enemy was in front of her crying and wallowing in self-doubt. Was she supposed to comfort her, take advantage of her vulnerability or stay silent? Catra decided for her. "I... I'm sorry about your mom."


"Get in there you dirty animal." The Prime guard spat as he threw Catra into hers and Glimmer's shared cell. She landed with a thud and a groan. She didn't dare open her eyes, there was blood leaking from her forehead and she knew for a fact that blood in your eye isn't the best feeling. She also knew her left one was swollen shut. The tried to sniff but instead got a nose full of blood and pain shooting through her head. She glanced to where she could hear Glimmer breathing loudly and asked,

"Does it look broken to you?"

Glimmer scoffed at the question but answered anyway, "Yes. Yes, it does."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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