Part 1, also the final part. How does this site work.

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Slam! A mug of beer hit the bar, sloshing its contents all over husk's shirt. "You *burp* you haven't seen the most of me yet!" Husk shouted, his eyes twitching with intoxication. Alastor slowly lifted his canteen to his lips and drank neatly. The soft sips he made were completely drowned out by the cheering and rooting crowd of the onlookers. They were everywhere, hanging from chandeliers and standing on tables just to pear over the crowd of demons. Just to get enough of a look at the drunkard Husk and the elusive, proper and dastardly radio demon. Alastor silently gulped the last of his drink, and placed his canteen on the bar. "On the contrary mister husk, you haven't seen the most of me either." The crowd hollered and laughed at Alastor's sly remark, which only angered Husk, fueling him with the determination to seize victory. "I have the upper hand, I've got years of booze intake under my belt and a liver stronger than bridge scaffolding..." He dozed off for a moment before grabbing two huge tankards and hoisting them in the air. Husks arms buckled as he roared to the crowd, "I'M THE KING OF THE KEG!!!" He persed his lips and downed one tankard, then the other. The crowd screamed in excitement. Alastor took two equally sized tankards and began to do the same, except slower, with more ease and focus. The spectators mocked the radio demon for his pacing. "Wh-wha...what's wrong deer boy? Cat got your GUT?" Everyone cheered and laughed like one great big mass of hyenas. Husk threw his hands in the air, shooting his backers with finger guns. They patted him on the back and shook his hand. Husk was on the verge of collapse, he felt his vision blur, sounds distorted and his stomach churned. Suddenly a demon shouted, "Wait! He's on his third! The radio demon is on his third!" They all turned to Alastor, who was most definitely gruntled with the fact that he was on his third huge tankard. He took in every last drop. Then another huge tankard. After that, another. All of husk's symptoms of intoxication fled his body, if only for a moment. As the night dragged on, more and more booze was drunk by Alastor, because of the steady and slow process, more and more demons left out of boredom. Then it was just husk and Alastor.
"You always got to win do ya?" Husk remarked. "You all powerful bastard. Why do you got to show up all these people- why you got to show up me!?" Alastor drew a cloth from his vest and cleaned his lips. "Well for one my feline friend, I am inhuman and without fault." Husk flipped him off. "Whatever, help clean this place up before Charlie gets back, and dont call me your friend!" Husk hissed. Alastor stood tall with triumph and reached for a broom.


Husk's ears perked. "The hell was th- was that you?" Husk turned to Alastor, who was struggling to grab the broom. "No, that w-ww-as not me." Alastor was leaning towards the broom now. Husk closed in on Alastor. "You slured your words just then. Remember when you were so punctual?" Alastor stopped reaching for the broom. "I ham always punctureal, do not interrogate me cat," he rose a stern finger and pointed to the ceiling. "Or I will laser you with alien eyes!" He jutted his hand at the broom, but the force knocked him off balance, and Alastor fell to the ground in a very embarrassing way. He was on his back with his head between his heels. Husk was confused, very very confused. "Al, are you drunk?" Alastor got on his hands and knees. "No, I am not. I am not drrunk. I am without fault. Even if I was drunk, I wouldn't be drunk. But I am drunk, sssso... I am drunk." A grin creeped around husk's face, followed by a snicker. "Hey, heyyy... I'm drunk too! Were both drunk! Two drunk-" Alastor held up his palm in halter. "I'm not drunk! The fact of the matter is that I'm more agile than ever. I could throw a dart and it would land right on the bullseye!" Husk crossed his arms. " Right on the *burp* right on the bullseye?" Alastor stood. "Right on the bullseye!" Husk spat on the floor. "I need to see it to believe it." The radio demon raised his hands in response, "Thhhhen see it you shall!" The radio demon summoned a wicked red aura and transported them both to a carnival. Lights and flashes of color greeted their glazed eyes. The entire world seemed to melt away, only loud noises and fun were in their radar. The two wobbled toward the nearest dart booth. The manager of the booth handed each of them a dart. "You go first husk." The old cat lifted his dart and squared his feet. The sounds and distractions escaped his mind. Only the target was there. Enough thinking now. Just concentrate. Focus. Focus...


"Husk crossed his arms and looked to Alastor. "Thats true center there 'friend'. The only way you can beat MY score is if you split my dart down the middle!" Alastor took three paces back. Turning like a French duelist, he aimed his dart and prepared for launch. A maroon glow burst from his eyes, crackling from the tufts of his hair to the tips of his fingers. "Have you ever heard of the fighter jets that go boom?" Husk raised an eyebrow. "You mean the bombers?" Alastors body fixed into a striking position. "I mean the ones that go reaaally fast." Husk thought to himself. What did al mean? The only booming fast jet were the ones that went mach 4. Was al going to break the sound barrier with his throw? Husk covered his ears and braised for the shock. Alastor shot his arm forward at breakneck speed. A crack of sound erupted from the tip of the dart, but alastor let go too late, and the dart came hurtling down into his foot. All the other carnival goers looked on in awe at the radio demon, unsure of how to react. Husk wobbled over to Alastor and looked at the dart he had placed in his own foot. With blank expressions, they locked eyes and shared a moment of silence.


They broke into laughter. "Let's do more shit!" Husk yelled. "Okay!" Alastor yelled back. The bumbling duo ran into another booth. Tossing balls at cups. They missed every single one. They did give the booth manager a good walloping though. They bought cotton candy and corn dogs, whorfing them down greedily as soon as they were in their hands. They approached a ferris wheel and hopped on. It was a slow, calm, and peaceful experience. When they got off, they fell to their knees and unloaded literal liters of vomit. The ungodly wretching sounds they made were akin to a pair of dying deer and cats. Together they feel over a guard rail and into a pit full of plastic balls. In a panic, the devils flailed about and screamed in terror. After being dragged out of the death pit, the two politely thanked their saviors and then promptly kicked their asses. As Alastor and husk left the grounds, they talked.

"You know what Al? I take back what I said earlier. I think it's great to be called a friend by you!" Alastor looked to husk with satisfaction. "I dearly wish I could say the same for you!" They erupted into a fit of laughter, but husk slowed down. "What- what do you mean you wish?" He continued to laugh, but not with any sense of happiness or joy. "Ohhh, you now!" Alastor said demeaningly. "Heh heh... know..know what?" Alastor teamed "I can't be concerned with you!" Husk wasn't laughing now. ..."Why?" Alastor scoffed. "Why? Why?! You're lesser than me in every way!" Husks ears drooped. "You are weaker than me, dumber than me, and-"


"YOUCH!" Husks fist uppercutted into Alastors balls. "Why the helld we do all this?!" Husk was furious, he felt, and definitely was betrayed. Alastor was confused. "What *oof* what do YOU mean?" Husk spread his wings in anger, making himself look larger than he was. "All this dumb shit we did for kicks means nothing!" Alastor grinned. "Well did it mean anything to you?"


Alastor was taken aback. Not knowing any proper reaction or suitable quip, he snapped his fingers and they were back at the hotel.
Husk and alastor turned their heads to see a very upset Charlie and crew. Vaggie gritted her teeth, Angel shook his head, Niffty puffed out her chest and pulled out a miniature samurai sword. "I'm about to go oppa gangnam style on your ass!" She squeaked. Charlie walked forward with two brooms and a mop with bucket. "Clean. Now." Alastor and husk stood in a drunken daze. Charlie's cheeks glew bright and she put on her best scowl. "PLEASE!"

Alastor and husk silently cleaned the bar. Husk broke the silence with a question; "Did you really mean what you said back there? Alastor was sober now, refusing to look at husk. "Yes. You are....lesser than me." It sort of hurt them both to hear. Husk furrowed his brow. "Whatever." The silence dragged on, and husk sobered up due to the emotional turmoil. "Um... excuse me Mr. Husk?" Husk groaned in a very annoyed tone. "What?" Alastor frowned confusingly downward.

"Theres a dart in my foot."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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