Chapter 1

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I do not own anyone of transformers prime, all I own is my character.


My room, or cell, was quiet hardly any sound could be heard. The breath that left me and the little dripping sound of liquid falling was the only sound. I was trying to breathe as quietly as possible, but it wouldn't make a difference if it was silent or not. I knew he would come for me and this time I might not survive the punishment I was going to receive.

I hardly know anything about myself; I don't even remember what I look like. I also have no idea what my name is; besides the words he has called me. That's how long I have been trapped in this cell, alone in the darkness, waiting till the door opens to reveal a flash of white light. The light though is never there for long so I can never get a good look at myself.

Every day he comes to punish me for anything that has angered him, or just to show off how much control and power over me. I can't do anything to stop him; I'm always too weak from the beatings and couldn't defend myself. Trying to be strong and keep the protecting walls around me is becoming harder and harder, my walls are slowly crumbling down and pretty soon I'm going to lose the battle for my sanity.

I'm lying on the cold dirty floor of the cell trying to get some sleep and get some strength back into my body, but then this excruciating pain ran through my body. There was only one thing that could explain what was happening my body had changed forms. I hated the first few times it happened but now I'm starting to enjoy the pain and if my guess was correct then I would start liking the pain he has been inflecting on me. As the pain goes down and into pleaser, the door to my cell opens and closes. Blinding my eyes for a moment, even though I was blind I knew he was there. He was in the darkness watching my every move. So just to get it over with, I sat up straight and waited for the first hit "You do know that your punishment is going to be worse today right?"

I don't answer him because for one thing what was the point and another thing was I have never tried to, so yes I could be considered mute. He always gets angered by me being silent because every time I don't reply I'm lying on the floor with the same strange liquid leaking from my face. Standing up and trying to fight back would be a waste of time so I lay there letting blow after blow come down on me. There is nothing I can do to stop.

(WARNING - There is a little swearing.)

"You stupid bitch how could you have let that low life find out about you, the asshole almost went and told everyone what's going on! Trust me my dear you will pay dearly for this."

No response from me and he still continues to beat me but only harder this time. He will never hear me cry, yell, or plea for him to stop because for one I'm mute and because I'm still trying to be strong. I frown thinking that no matter how strong I say or think I am I will always be weak and looked down upon, 'Am I really so weak that I can't stand up for myself and try to get out of this hell hole?' He must have seen me frown because he then said "What's the matter bitch does this not hurt enough? Well then I guess I'm going to have to go and get my knife. Then I might hear you scream for me to stop or maybe just end your worthless life. Hmm... I will end your worthless life today. Then I won't have to deal with you anymore. Beside you're starting to bore me."

He laughs evilly as he leaves me on the floor and goes out the door quietly. Finally it's quiet.

I quickly realized he didn't lock the door this time. He must have thought I wouldn't try and run away. Well that asshole has another thing coming. I'm getting out of here whether he likes it or not! With those thoughts on my mind the pain came back at me tenfold, as I try to get myself to stand. Thankfully I'm getting used to the pain and turning it into pleasure. I barely got myself standing and made my way to the door. Just as I thought, the door was unlocked. Looked like I might just get out of there.

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