King! Rainbow Quartz x Reader

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                                                                          -Wound By a Key- Part 1 

                                                                                   *Fantasy AU* 

"Do I have to wear this?" I protested. I was donning a dress that was tight on my torso, so it was hardly impossible for me to move.

"If we want to succeed in the mission," replied Garnet, " I see many setups that could happen if you don't wear that dress. And besides, you're the only one that could pull this off."

Garnet was right, of course. The rest of the Crystal Gems had to fill in the other roles for our plan. Garnet was going to unfuse so that Ruby could rescue the children of Crystalborn, a village near the castle of a childish and tyrannical ruler. While Amethyst, Saphire, and I could divert King Quartz's attention away from Ruby. It would be risky, but worth the shot. Another part of our mission was to find out what had happened to Steven and Pearl. Rumors were spreading around Crystalborn, that the King's men, shattered Pearl; her shards still lying upon the cold earth to this very day. Other tales insisted that Quartz locked Steven underneath the castle depths, and threw away the key, not minding that Steven's companion had been taken away from him and neglecting him in emotional despair. But those were just rumors. 

Hey Y/N! You ready to pull this off! Cause I know, I am!" Amethyst yelled eagerly. She was then 

suddenly shifting into the form of an older man.

"Sort of, but what if we screw the plan up?"

"As I said before, there are many possibilities. Just don't get distracted." Garnet said as she pushed up her visor, "Now then, let's get ready. A dazzling light split from her, parting her form into two individual gems.

"Alright then, does everyone know the game plan?" questioned Saphire.

"Yep!" all of us shouted at the same time.

Large wooden toy boxes were on the cobblestone path, remaining next to a horse-drawn cart. Well here goes nothing, I then climbed into my box decorated with flower designs. To my left side, I noticed Saphire had climbed into her box, decked up in a tux, with rosy cheeks painted on that was similar to mine. Ruby scrambled in the back after Saphire, than gave a thumbs up, with a goofy grin to match.

"You guys ready yet? Questioned Amythest, "cause I'm ready."

She then closed our boxes and tied them down with a rope to keep them steady. Complete darkness surrounded me, as I kept quiet. My silence was the primary goal of this mission until my music box got wound up by Amythest, aka The Toymaker from Crystalborn. 

Shortly the cart took off at a steady pace down the cobbled streets of Crystalborn. Inside my box, I heard the noise of horse hoves and echoes of wonder from the villagers. After what I thought was an hour, the cart abruptly halted.

"Oi, you there, stop," a ruff voice grunted," we need to check your papers and cart, King's orders."

"But, of course, noble sir, you can never be too wary." Replied an older man's voice. Shuffling of papers were handed to the guard.

I felt someone moving onto the cart to inspect the boxes; hopefully, I don't move.

"What's in the boxes, toymaker?" the ruff voice demanded.

"Some toys for his Majesty, my handcrafted toys are remarkable if I do say so myself."

" "Special" toys indeed. The guard mocked Amythest," Let me unlock those boxes."

"Very, well, but you have to believe me. I would never betray our Majesty." Amythest said matter of factly.

Footsteps marched towards my box as the guard fiddled with the lock. Sunlight soon engulfed onto my face, causing me to stay still and silent.

"Stunning," the guard muttered, as his arm outstretched towards my face.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, sir. This doll is delicate." insisted Amythest.

The guard's arm paused, causing me to sigh in relief as he got off the cart.

"Very well, then toymaker. Let me lock this box, and you can go right through the gate."

I soon heard voices of excitement, as the guards helped unload the boxes of the cart as they brought us into the castle, while Ameythest, fell in behind them. Footsteps echoed throughout the castle, as thrilled voices blended in with the disorder. Abruptly my box was placed down with a thud, as well as Sapphires. Amethyst insisted on leaving the third box, stating that it was carpenter's tools to the guard at the gate. Ruby waited on the cart, remaining for the perfect chance to rescue the children, Steven and Pearl.

"Quiet!" cried a British accent," since it's my 20th birthday today, please everyone settle down into your seats. Now then, who are you?" 

"Well, your Majesty, I am The Toymaker from Crystlborn, and I have brought you gifts that I have created. All of them are unique in a genuine way. Which one would you like me to open up first?" an old man's voice asked.

"The one with the flower designs." Answered the honeyed voice.

Rainbow Quartz 2.0 x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang