♡bus rides♡

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Julia and Alex really didn't know each other very well. They dressed alike and had the same personality. Alex is 13 a year younger then Julia, so they never really talked. They rode the same bus as well. The bus driver was a bitch and always yelled at the kids. One morning, the bus driver assigned seats. He assigned Julia and Alex to sit with each other. After awkwardly staring at each other until the bus driver yelled "sit down bitchessss!" Alex scrambles to the seat and Julia right behind him. She trips and falls in his lap. "My bad! oh my fuck I'm so fucking sorry" she yells to get it by him clearly. "It's okay" Alex replies in a forgiving and flattering way. what is fate that they were assigned to sit by each other?
Awkward silence fills the bus seat while everything around was opposite. 5 minutes later Alex sneezes and Julia say "bless you." She also has a full on exorcism. She lights 6 candles and blesses him with a rosary. "thank you?" Alex says confused but full of laughter. "I'm Julia" she says with a huge beautiful smile upon her face. "I'm Alex." saying very quiet and shyly. "kewl" Julia says throwing up a peace sign.
"GET OF THE DAMN BUS YOU CRAZY ASS KIDS!!" the bus driver yells from the front of the bus. Everyone scrambles to get off before getting cut but the psycho bus driver. As all the kids run is to the school out of danger Julia and Alex get separated. When they got to the main hallway Alex caught up with Julia. They walked in silence. The whole school was crammed into on side of the gym on the bleachers. "Andrew sit yo bitch ass down" shouted a staff member. Julia and Alex got separated again. Alex was in 7th grade and had to sit on the other bleachers. Once Julia sat down on the 8th grade side she started extending her neck to see over everyone to find Alex. Alex is sitting by some of his friends. Julia starts to think a lot about Alex. His kind eyes and his curly black hair. Her friends soon join her in the bleachers. They seen her eye balling Alex and giggled. "what guys?" says Julia(knowing what they are giggling about). She make up a funny joke and goes on. *bell rings* Everyone stands up and runs out of the gym as if they wanted to to class. Julia is still looking for Alex. She feels a tap on her shoulder. She turns around and sees that it is Alex. "heyyyy!" says Julia in a happy tone. "hey, what's up?" Alex says with a smile on his face. "nothing much," Julia says. As they walk down the hallway Alex splits away to go to the 7th grade hall. "bye see you on the bus!" Alex says with high hopes. "peace out Girl Scout" Julia yells to get it to him within the noisy hallways.

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