My Gift to You

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I give you my smile. Although, honestly, you gave it to me.
I give you my thoughts. All the incoherent ideas that I write down on paper, hoping that no one ever reads. The traces of insecurity and arrogance that somehow coexist within my psyche. As you read those words, I hope you can accept me for what I am. Although I don't understand it myself, I hope to make sense of it with you.
I give you my stories, loving the way you look at me as I talk. I give you my history knowing you cling to the words I say out of love and a drive to help me better myself.
To you, I give every breath I take- hoping I don't suffocate you in the process.
With the smallest phrases, you can turn my perspective.
With the smallest touch, I melt to the floor.
I was never one for romance. I feared rejection and trembled at the notion of commitment. So to you, I give my insecurities. I place them now in your hands and feel it safe to say I've got good priorities.
I no longer sit and wait in idle silence for my fairytale start.
I hope you understand this isn't just for anyone. You're special.
To you, I give my heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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