The Catacombs of My Mind

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     I stumble around these empty tombs. I am encompassed and blinded by the blackness I am surrounded by. I am alone, left to fend against the paranoia of my own mind. Lost in time; never ending. I become consumed by my fears. The creatures sleek about and the rats scurry over my feet. They have the advantage in this environment. This is their world, for I am nothing more than a minuscule obstacle in their path. That begs the question, what is my path? Cautiously, I place one foot forward as I go, with an eerie sort of uncertainty. What if I come to meet the edge of the world? I would fall and fall, while never meeting an end or demise? If this occurred, would I keep diving down until sunlight shimmered, and the scent of magnolias filled my nostrils? Is it possible that I would pass through the clouds and land softly in the tall grass and be welcomed with open hearts, with beautiful people smiling real smiles? No truth was ever found behind the masks, the faces of my acquaintances in the past. In this dream I've conjured up within my head, the ones I have known all my life would accept me finally. I'd like to believe this world is possible. To see through the darkness with such a wonderful light; That is my power here. I hold an undeniable strength in this god-forsaken place. Imagination. For these wonderful images now filling my head are the only things I can see clearly.

     I cringe from a sudden, sharp pain throughout my entire being. As though vines are twisting around my spine. I begin to feel claustrophobic. I take a deep, stifled breath. I struggle to inhale, inhale, exhale. Just breathe! I tell myself, trying to control a horrible pain throughout my entire being. My head throbs, and my heart pounds like a drum set in my chest. I start to feel as if all of the oxygen in the entire universe is being drawn away. Such as if it was momentarily vacuumed out of the air and sucked out of my lungs. It must be the mold spores boring their way into my already diseased thoughts, like many people always do. The overwhelming feeling leaves me nearly in tears, on my hands and knees. It was only a panic attack. I exist for another moment in the darkness as sun-deprived algae seeps between my fingers and under my nails. After I regain my breath, I never compose myself upright. I sit on the cold stone ground and cradle my knees. I pause for a long while there and listen.I hear the hurried pace of vermin in search of anything remotely edible, though undoubtedly still profoundly putrid. Click, click; I hear every tiny ticking of insects, and roaches. However, in this hellish place who could but guess to what unholy monsters and nightmare fueled beasts roam and rampage about within these catacombs. Let alone, within my mind. Maybe it is all in my mind..

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