Chapter 1 ❤

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Echo P.O.V

"Beep beep beep" my stupid alarm goes waking me up for the hell they call school

I got and threw on some clothes all i had put on was a pair of gray leggings with gray boots, a black crop top that had said "sweater weather is the best weather" and a black beanie that had said homies I had also eyeliner and masscera and i also had to straighten my hair.

I walked downstairs to find yet another note next to my breakfast. Its nothing new it happens ever time i had just gotten used to it.

I had stepped outside to my black car and started the journey to hell.

I had pulled up and everyone was staring at me again with fear in there eyes and all i did was just smirk

You see i kinda may have a tiny little rep going on here. All some people know is that i have done somethings here and there and also had said somethings to some people. Yea after they had heard what had happend to the girl i may pr may have not have sent to the hospital they kinda fear me

But the only reason she was in the hospital was cuz she said some mean things to me about my friends so all im saying is that someone had to put her in her place i just happend to be there at the right time.

Speaking of friends here they come. "Hey guys"

"Hey" they had replied. We had just talked about random things mostly about the slut in the school and who would be her next fuck for the week.

We were still talking and eveything had gone silent and that had only ment that Sky was here.

He was the second most feard person in school. I know nothing about all i know is that he is pissed at me cuz everyone fears me the most.

"Hey Echo" and the only person that says my full name is the jerk named sky.

"What do you want sky" I had turned around from talking to my friends to see him very close to me

As he was about to reply i had said something.

"First before you wanna say anything back the fuck up from my personal area next u need to pop a mint up in your mouth cuz your breathe is hot" i had told him.

Hey said " Im tired of you thinking your on top of the world so heres wat were gonna do the rest of the year we will see who the bad is and who the troublemaker is cuz by the look of things your just the troublemaker while i am the one who people are really scared of." (That last part made no sense soo just yea.....)

"Fine deal i never back out of a challenge we better start now oh and by the way."

"What" he said. I had pushed him in a classroom and locked him in it. He had started banging on the door shouting words at me.

I had just smirked and told him the challenge had begun.

Heyy guys ik it sucks but give me some credit and drama in the next few they are already written out so 2 votes and ill post next week on a Tuesday baiii


Real name Brianna but like Anna

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