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In this world there is always terror and regret. This war may never end, but then again there is a belief that a hero will emerge and kill them all. the children believe that one day he will show up to save them, I as a teenager with responsibilities don't believe. but what I really didn't know is that I would become that hero. My name is Jonas and I started this war, even though I am 16 years old.
The year is 11346. The government found two planets likely of having life in 11320 years before I was born. For a decade they tried to get pictures of the planets but failed miserably. Not long after they managed to create the technology to send a signal into deep space contacting planets in the universe. What they didn't know is that both planets had the same species of highly intelligent life forms, waiting to attack our planet. My planet has existed for millions of years in peace and harmony... until now. Our planet is called Archea, and we are being attacked by the planets of Earth and Mars both colonized by humans... and it's all my fault.

Chapter 1
I grew up like any other child in the neighborhood but had a secret love for the universe and it's secrets. I was placed ahead of all my classmates in school because of my high intelligence level. At the age of 13 every teenager is put in a career based on his or her interests. I gladly picked to be a space exploration intern. I climbed the ranks and somehow ended up with the top job. I make all the decisions no matter what anyone says.
I am making the decision to send a signal into deep space to message other planets. My first instinct is to send the message, but I think about it and can't decide. I will have to present my decision to my co-workers in 5 hours. I make my final decision and go to sleep for a little bit for soon I will change the world. I just hope that we get a reply.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2014 ⏰

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