Introduction + Key

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Hi! I go by Katsuki, or Kat for short! It's not my real name but it's what I feel comfortable with!

This is actually a reprive of my old one-shot book on my old account.

This is a list of the things I do!
X Reader
X Character
Basically anything!

Just know I have a right to not accept a request!

Next is the key!!

If it's PersonXPerson that means its romance.

If it's Person+Person it's friendship.

If it's a ship name, it's probably romance.

If it has a heart, like so ♡ It's a romance/sweet (including friendship) one-shot.

If it has a star, such as this ☆ it means that it's a lemon/smut/ect. It means it's NSFW.

If it has a dark circle, like so ● it means it's probably angst.

◇ and this just means it's a song fic.

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