Be More D&D (Pt. 1)

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(Quick Authors Note: Hi! I'm Tree, and I'm using this book to have an outlet for my creative writing through the use of my facvorite charichters. Critisism is apreciated, and I hope you like it!

It was a crisp fall day. The leaves vibrant green were changing to subtle reds, yellows, and oranges. The cold weather was getting to a certain thin brunette boy. That boy was Jeremy Heere. His long blue cardigan sleeves covered most of his hands, except for his pointer and middle finger, which he used to wrap both sides around his thin lanky figure. He was running to get home, even scuffing his converse which he had just cleaned. He finally reached his home and quickly swung open his door. Jeremy walked towards the inside of the house, and in a failed attempt at a quick entrance, tripped over the welcome mat. Inside the house came a burst of loud laughter echoing through the house. That laughter was from Michael Mell, a young man near the same age Jeremy, yet of slightly taller and wider stater. His darker skin and styled jet black hair somewhat contrasting with his bright red hoodie littered with different patches. He was sitting on a kitchen counter
Jeremy quickly stood up and swung the door closed. The cold that he felt throughout his body melting away, being replaced with the warm and uncomfortable feeling of embarrassment. He cleared his throat, trying his best to build his confidence back up to not sound like a complete idiot.
"Hey, Michael…. What are you doing here …. At my house...?"
Michael chuckled as he jumped off the counter.
" Chill out dude. I'm not here to like kill you or anything. I'm just bored. And I was hoping you might have something to do?" Michael smiled warmly
Jeremy shook his head. "Nope. Sorry man. If you’re looking for something to do thought … maybe ask Rich? He usually has something to do ..."
Michael scoffed and crossed his arms. "That nerd? What is he gonna do? Bring over his D&D things? Nerd …. " Michael started to laugh, but the room soon fell silent, and his face changed to one of thought " … I'm calling Rich."
Michael walked into the kitchen and began calling Rich. Meanwhile, Jeremy was laying on the couch, dead tired. He began to close his eyes, fading out of consciousness. He soon fell into a deep sleep, with quiet snoring noises escaping his lips. Michael waltzes back into the livingroom proudly, and begins to make a long statement about ‘an epic journey’ and ‘major adventures’ like he always did when they played D&D, but he then saw the frail, brown-haired boy sleeping on the couch. He smiled and walked out the door.

“Wake up s’theepy head!!!” Jeremy quickly shot up and fell off the couch with a loud ‘thud’. Rich started to laugh hysterically, as Jeremy sat up and rubbed the back of his head, as he glared at Rich.
“Rich! Why would you …” Jeremy caught a glimpse behind him. What he saw was a nerds paradise. Michael Mell, Jake Dillinger, Christean Canigulah, Jenna Roland, even Brooke Lhost and Chloe Valentine sat around the dining room table talking amongst themselves, with snacks, drinks, and a large Sheet of paper with a drawing of a map in front of them
“What … How did you….” Jeremy was in awe. How did Richconvince all of these people to join in? Half of these people probably never have heard of D&D.
Jeremy's thoughts were interrupted by the slam of the table, and the chanting of Jake Dillinger. “D&D! D&D! D&D!”
Jeremy and Michael were both taken aback. Michael took off his glasses, and cleaned them, putting them back on to see if he was seeing things correctly. “Jake … You play D&D?”
“Yeah Michael!” Jake pointed at Rich “That nerd and I got a Campaign going with Brooke.”
“BROOKE?!?” The three of them laughed, and Brook speaks up. “Yeah. I’m the DM for this session”.
Their jaws lay agape, as there struck with disbelief “BROOKE DM’S?!?”
Chloe sighs and crosses her arm “Yeah, and she’ll talk about her nerd jibber jabber all day if you let her”
Jeremy turned his head to Chloe. “Wait … you don’t like D&D?”
In response, Chloe just laughed. She then turned back to Jeremy. “Yeah, no. Rich is paying me to be here.”
Jeremy turned to Rich, which in response just shrugged and sat back down in his seat. Jeremy sighed and sat down next to Michael. “Figures ....” he mumbled to himself.
With everyone now in their seats, Brooke took out a large piece of cardboard out of a bag next to her chair. She then took a computer out of the same bag along with a folder almost bursting with a tone different papers.
Brook cleared her throat, then spoke. “Alright. We’re almost ready. Does everyone have their Character Sheets?”
Everyone placed pieces of paper on the table in front of them. Jeremy began to stand up to go get his from his room, but Michael stopped him and placed in front of Jeremy's chair. Jeremy sat down, as they both fists bumped. Chloe didn't have a character sheet, so Rich handed her one that he had made the day prior. Everyone passed there character sheets to Brooke. Brooke took a long look at all of the sheets and began to type things out on her computer as everybody talking amongst themselves. Jeremy and Rich both had elegantly written backstories and well-drawn pictures, Michaels had a well-drawn picture aswell but a nowhere as near complex backstories as Jeremy or Rich. Christine's was a drama-filled with many twists and turns in her backstory and not the most well-drawn picture, but her character design was elegant yet cool at the same time. Chloe's shet was short and sweet since Rich was on somewhat of a time crunch to make it. Jenna Rolands sheet had a simple and understandable backs story and a simple doodle of her simply designed character. Jake's sheet was … something else. The picture wasn't bad, but you could tell he was purposefully making a goofy looking character, and his backstory was convoluted and hard to understand. Never the less, Brooke managed to make it work. After a short while, she passed all of the sheets back to there respective owners.
She looks at everyone and began to speak. “Ok. Quick set up before we start. Will everyone please look at the Map?” The talking in the room fell silent as everyone's attention shifted to Brooke. She pointed at a well-drawn castle that was located near the top left corner of the map.
“This is where the journey begins. You shall all start in this location, and have to make your way through treacherous terrain, untrustworthy folks, and evils of which you won’t be able to comprehend.”
Michael leaned closer to Jeremy. “Shes freaking amazing at this already” he whispered poorly, so it was loud enough for others to hear.
Brook Chuckle and smiled. “Thank you, Michael” Brooke cleared her throat and changed to a serious expression.
“Now … let the journey … begin.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2020 ⏰

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