The End

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Sylvia felt oddly satisfied as she stared at the noose she'd tied. It seemed to be staring back at her, yearning for her. The house was eerily silent, a rare occurrence. 'I used to long for a day this silent and peaceful. And now that it's here...' the thought brought a chuckle over her weary face. She was tired, of everything. Life had no purpose anymore. She opened the letter she clutched in her right palm for the sixth time.

To whoever is reading this, I am sorry you had to find me in this state. But I couldn't possibly take it anymore. My soul hurts every second I live. I have done things so heinous and unforgivable that I don't deserve life. I don't want to burden you with tales of my grief. It ends here, it is supposed to. Don't be sad, I'm sure you didn't know me that well. If I could ask you a favour, please take care of my cat for me. She's a tricky one, disappears for days. But she'll be back. If she acts out, just give her some chocolate milk and she'll like you.
Thank you.
Sylvia Stone

Satisfied by the content of the letter she looks over her shoulder to find Fluffer gently nibbling on her shoulder. That was her way of showing love. She gently took the cat to the corner of the adjacent room and poured her some chocolate milk from a fresh bottle. 'I hope you live a happy life Fluffer', she couldn't hold in her tears anymore. As she walked back to her room, gathering as much courage as she could, she thought back onto her brief 15-year-old life and how everything went so wrong so fast.

She propped up her favourite blue wooden chair, stood on top of it to find the noose inviting her for an embrace, the ultimate embrace. She looked around the room, her one-armed Barbie lying beside the chair, a trunk full of white teddy bears looking at her with a warm smile from the corner as always and her beloved red fountain pen on the table, dripping ink over the white table top. She broke the pen in frustration after writing the letter. It was symbolic of her broken life, she thought, and left it open.

Everything was in order. There was only one thing left to do. It was time!

The Dreamworld of Sylvia StoneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant