Truth Hurts

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Kylo Ren fell to his knees, his face sizzled and wounded by Rey's light saber. It was snowing. Rey stood for a moment willing her opponent to rise. He did not. He moaned, instead. She thought she heard him breathing out the words, "No, Master," but she wasn't entirely sure. Luke's saber still hummed. Kylo's was lying next to him. She should run back to the Falcon. She was the only pilot. Chewbacca had taken a wounded Finn aboard Poe's fighter.

BB-8 opened the hatch and beeped.

"Just a moment," Rey said but wondered why she waited. She should have killed this thankless, ungrateful monster where he lay.

"No," he shouted again, writhing on the ground. "Please..."

From the woods came a sharp sound, a whining. Whatever it was, the thing was flying toward them.

"Oh, no," said Rey.

BB chirped desperately. "I'm coming," she yelled.

Behind her, Rey heard someone crashing after her. She turned back to see Kylo Ren rising and stumbling.

The droid above him began shooting. He ducked and swerved. He lit his saber and fended off the shots.

He stumbled and the droid hit his leg. He moaned loudly and gritted his teeth.

Rey sprinted back to Kylo with Luke's saber and neatly parried the shots. "Run," she shouted.

He pulled himself up and ran toward the Falcon's open door.

Rey held the saber aloft and backed up. The droid appeared to be breaking off its attack. It shot feebly at Rey, who stopped it midair, and it turned away to fly off into the dark.

Rey stood for a moment in the dark. Kylo shouted, "Get in here. There might be more."

Sure enough, the air was filled a buzz. Mad, black droids flew into view. Rey ran full speed into the Falcon.

Kylo Ren was in the pilot's seat. "Move," shouted Rey.

"No time," he said and lifted off. The droids followed like so many wild bees. Rey slid into the gun turret and shot at them, but the Falcon slammed into hyperdrive, pushing her back before she could hit them.

The ship began to whine.

Rey ran back to the front. "Slow down," she hollered over the noise. "This ship can't take this kind of punishment. Something will blow."

He ignored her and raced on.

She growled and flung herself over the pilot's seat, reaching for the controls. He pushed her off.

"We need some distance," he said.

"Those little droids can't possibly fly this fast," she countered. "You will wreck this ship."

"I don't care about this ship," he shouted. "Let it blow apart."

"No," she jumped on top of him. "This is my home." She pulled his hair.

He shouted and fought her off with one long arm. She pulled the light saber to her. He heard it and wrenched her off him with a yell.

Rey held the saber near his face. "Slow it down."

He stared at her determined face. "Will you scar me again? Will you enjoy it?"

Rey set her back teeth. "I did not enjoy it the first time."

"Hmmm," he said.

She felt him probing her mind with his senses. She stepped back and tried to shut him out. She grunted in pain as he pushed farther and harder.

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