Change Your Ticket

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This story may have gotten lost for a couple of weeks. But I found it!

NSFW - 1660 words 


Grace woke up at 5am, her body clock still up in the clouds. Her flight was at 10am, so she thought she'd get on top of her packing and get up now instead of waiting for her alarm to violently wake her in an hour or so.

Turning her head slightly she is met with the adorable image of Chester in a very deep slumber, laying on his stomach with his face towards hers which is completely free of creases or lines as he is completely lost in his dreaming state, his cheek is slightly squashed against the pillow and his hair clean of any product which results in it flopping onto his forehead. She can't resist him, she pulls an arm out from under the covers and rests her hand on his cheek rubbing her thumb backwards and forwards over his cheekbone. His eyelids begin to flutter at the soft touch, pulling him out of slumber for a second, he turns his head and kisses her palm it's lazy and sloppy but Grace couldn't love it more. Once Chester again falls into a deep sleep she decides to start the draining activity of packing.

It was about 8am and her suitcase and backpack were all done and she'd laid out her clothes for the day on a chair in the corner of the bedroom. She stands in the bathroom just after her shower, making sure she's not left any toiletries behind. She sees her toothbrush and decides to leave it, because let's face it she'll be back here soon enough. Grace walks out into the bedroom to pack her makeup bag into the backpack whilst in one of Chester's new fluffy bathrobes.

She looks at her clothes hanging on the chair and decides it's probably time to get out of the comfiest robe ever and into something more practical for the day. She pulls on the tie around her waist and as if on cue Chester's man senses kick in and he's cracked his eyes open against the harsh light in the room.

Grace let's the sides of the robe hang open while she searches for her underwear.

Chester would never tire of this sight, whether she was right next to him in bed passed out from exhaustion or awake and getting ready, waking up and her being there was his paradise. He was staring at her for a long time, observing how her brow furrowed as she was examining the outfit she had picked out, probably too long to be considered not creepy but he didn't care.

"You're being weird" Grace states without removing her eyes from the chair.

Chester is taken aback that she even knew he was awake and he's about to reply but then his face is over taken by a smile as she turns around to shoot him a look and where the robe is not covering is in Chester direct eye line. He shoots his eyebrows up suggestively.

"You're such a perv" she says with an eye roll but a small smirk playing on her lips.

"Well where do you want me to look?" Chester playfully argues

Grace turns back to her clothes ignoring his comment. She hears Chester huff behind her and because they won't be seeing each other for a couple of days she decides her next moves very carefully.

She shrugs the white robe from her shoulders and let's it fall to the floor, the intake of breath Chester takes sounds like it could of been his last. How is it that Chester has know her for over a year and she still manages to take his breath away. Literally.

"You're killing me here Grace!" Chester whines

"Well where do you want me to get dressed?" She replies innocently

"The bathroom?" He suggests

Grace picks up her clothes and makes her way to the bathroom, just before she gets to the door she feels Chester's hand around her wrist. He sits up, swinging his legs over the bed, facing where she is standing. 

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