Different Places, Same Name

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(Please forgive the terrible editing, I barely had the time to even write this. Hope you enjoy!)


A cool breeze graced the evening air as Siara and Kiar walked a stone path in a glade of flowers, it's tranquil atmosphere affecting their mood as they neared a bench with a canopy of flowers and vines overshadowing it. Birds sang their beautiful songs in their bows, and Siara led Kiar by his arm to the seat. "Let's sit here for a while, Kiar. It's so beautiful and serene." Kiar laughed softly, and complied, obliging her wish. Looking out across the forested landscape, the young woman sighed, smiling up at the warrior. "Almost perfection. I wonder if this is what it's like in the Land to come." the young knight's eyes went hazy with thought as he smiled, imagining the place.

"Yes, it could be. But the best part isn't where you are, but who you're with. It might seem like a heavenly place right now here with you, but with You both it would be indescribable." Siara's eye filled with affection, and she tenderly placed her hand on his arm.

"Kiar Takora, you are the most adorable man I know, and the best. But you still have one flaw." Kiar's eyebrows raised, his feigned surprise expressed perfectly on his laughing face.

"You better bring out a list or I'll have to report you as daft!" the young woman shook her head, chuckling, then suddenly became serious, her eyes widening with emphasis.

"In this serenity, a sword hangs at your side, your amazing, noble intentions outweighing the need!" Kiar's head ducked slightly, his eyes showing the deep longing that came in his next words.

"And more than anyone, I wish it were not so. But it's my duty to protect those who are defenseless, for the evil and twisted do not care where they strike, what glade they ravage. And so here I stand, with your hand in mine, with my sword at near, to stop the darkness that brings war to this land. I may dampen the beauty of places such as these, but this sword stops the darkness from completely destroying it." Siara leaned against his shoulder, but Kiar's attention was suddenly diverted elsewhere as he picked up a noise from deep in the backwoods. Looking up, his companion stared in the direction the warrior's eyes were darting over.

"What is it?" Kiar's face crumpled into concern, confusion, and apprehension in the same moment.

"We need to move. Whatever it is, it's not attacking... yet. It's spying, but I have a feeling our alarm will trigger an assault." his cloak concealing the movement, the young man's hand went to his side, sliding his blade partway out of its sheath. Taking his intended's arm, he set her to his left as custom, but subtly motioned her to stay away from him, giving him room to draw his blade without hindrance. Both did their best to walk slowly, but the unknown and unseen tends to make one want to run. Their watchers kept their pace, getting closer and closer to the road with each step, soon Kiar wondered how he hadn't spotted them by now, and then it hit him: Assassin Wraiths! Suddenly, he released his hold of Siara, handing her his dagger before pushing her into the forest, and yelling after her.

"Run, Siara, go! I'll be fine. GO!" turning toward the trees on his right, the warrior brought his blade out in a flash of silver fire, challenging the being out in the forest to come to light. "Come out, wraith cowards! Is this what you do, stab an innocent woman and knight in the back surrounded by beauty? Away with you, or meet me face to face!" utter silence reigned for a few seconds, then out of the foliage burst a wraith, like Kiar had expected, and the being met him perfectly, though with surprise, move for move. Their blades becoming locked, the being Kiar now recognized to be a woman shook her head.

"I thought you'd be glad to see me, what is this! What are you?" Kiar's head tilted in confusion.

"I am Kiar Takora, Champion Warrior of this glade's village. Who are you to know me?" the female wraith shook her again.

"I am Tiandriale, and that is not your real name nor your title, Tareken Vaernara. Somehow you have changed, and I don't understand it. And for your information since you seem to have forgotten, I am no true wraith." it was Kiar's turn to shake his head as he disengaged his blade, lowered in subtle defense.

"You have the wrong man. I remember my past, and I remember the eyes of every wraith I've fought. You may not be one of them, but I do not know you, nor you, though maybe unbeknownst, me. My name is Kiar Takora, my father was Movake Takora, and I am a warrior of this land. I am sorry, I truly am. But your past does not align with mine." the woman let down her guard, pulling off her helmet and putting a hand to her forehead.

"I've tried to find you-him-for years. I was so sure. And yet now...I'm in a foreign land, surrounded by foreign folk, and looking at a foreign companion." Kiar sheathed his blade, and walked over to the warrioress, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"And what if he wasn't foreign? I may not be the man you know, but I can help you find him."

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