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"I could fix this, I could help her." The shadowed figure offered "how?!" the boy demanded. "By giving her the life she never got, the life you know she deserves." "You promise" the boys gaze fell to the ground, "she will get everything she should have" His heart ached know what would happen if he did this. "Yes" the dark shadow answered voice showing no waver. The boy look at the shadow, eyes filled with determination "then we have a deal".

The sun shone on her face as she laughed with he friends on the beautiful sunny day. Suddenly her attention was captured by a small blue flower drifting in the wind, her heart suddenly filled with a longing a missing she could not understand. " What's wrong" One of her friends called seeing the look of pain on her face. "Oh nothing," She the feeling seemed to vanish just as suddenly as it had appeared "I just felt like I was forgetting something, but it's nothing" For what was there to worry about her life was filled with love and happiness and everything that she deserved.

The blue flower floated on the wind till it landed on a stone, a grave that no one remembered.

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