The Footsteps

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  Allie sits in a small, dark room. From outside of the door, she hears heavy footsteps slowly getting closer. Allie wants to run, but Sarah told her to stay put. She keeps telling herself, "Don't worry Allie, they're coming back for you", but deep down she knows, they're probably already dead. The footsteps get louder. Whatever is coming for her has gotten closer. Suddenly, a bird, a raven flys past her face; she turns to look but the bird isn't there. It was just her imagination, the fear must be getting to her. Allie is unsure how long she's been sitting in the room, but she does know that she wants to get out.

  After some time, Allie decides to leave. She doesn't want to sit around and wait for whatever is coming to get her. Allie slowly opens the door, and there's nothing outside but the footsteps are getting louder, and faster. Now she has one simple plan: leave the building, find help, and look for Sarah and the others. She wants to look for the others first, but she knows that could lead to her death.

  Once Allie leaves the room, she sprints down the hallway. As she runs, she makes sure to avoid the direction of the footsteps. After some time, Allie reaches the end of a hallway that spans off in two directions. Allie looks down one hallway, it's dark. She wouldn't be able to see. Then, she looks down the other hallway. There's a light. Quickly, Allie runs down the hallway. As she runs she thinks, "is that that exit?"

  When Allie reaches the end of the hall, she freezes. She didn't find the exit. Instead, she found her friends, lying on the ground. A loud cry escapes Allie's lips. "They're all dead." Allie stares at them, their eyes are dull and lifeless, blood is dripping from their mouths. Then, Allie sees Sarah. She runs towards her. Sarah's lifeless body is clutching onto a book. Allie chuckles bitterly. Sarah loved her books. While Allie is lost in thought, the footsteps she had been hearing have gotten louder than ever. When she finally hears it, she backs up against the wall. There's nowhere to run. It's here, and it's going to kill her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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