Chapter 1 starbucks , detention ,bullied

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I woke up , had a shower and get dressed for boring old school. I think I would actually like school if I didn't get bullied by Justin Beiber and his girlfriend Chloe. I just chucked my hair up into a ponytail. I grabbed my Iphone6 and OH KRAAP I'm gonna be late. I rushed out of my house and ran down the road I ran into someone and dropped my bag and all my books fell out onto the floor. I hope it's not Justin he would probably beat me up like he did yesterday morning. But as I looked up it was a boy with brown floppy hair and big blue eyes. "Sorry , I am really sorry I will do your homework !" I said scared! " it's okay , I know we don't know each other but I hope you don't mind me saying but your beautiful!" He said. " wel-l thank-yo-u , if yo-u don-t mind m-e asking wh-ats you-r name?i said. " my name is jai , jai Brooke's and yours princess?" He said OMG I was blushing !

She looked cute when she blushed as I called her princess. My name is Ariana she said cutely. Do u wanna come get a drink from Starbucks even though we are already quite late I said. Yeah sure she said. As we was about to walk out the shop she dropped her phone and we both Bent down to get it and looked into each other's eyes and then then we KISSED for like 15 seconds. I LOVED IT ! We held hands as we walked to Starbucks while she was telling me about herself. Whenever I see her she is outside by the shops getting beaten up by a girl or a boy I try to help but people tell me not to as Justin will just beat me up.

15 minutes later

We walked out of Starbucks holding hands and laughing. He was new to school but we had the same first lesson which was English but our teacher was horrible to us everytime and I seriously thinks he picks on me because he thinks I'm weak because I'm small. He has even saw Justin beat me up before but he didn't care and just walked away. Then I broke the silence and said so I'm just warning you now our teacher mr Henry for English is strict and horrible so we will probably have detention after school for like 1 hour

I wanna ask ari out , I just met her but she is funny , beautiful , single 👸 and I love her 💥💖💜😍😘. I didn't really care about the teacher and detention because I was naughty in my old school but I kept improving hut teachers or detention doesn't scare me. " ari , can I have ya number please ?" " ye sure , give me urs aswell and I need a nickname for ya !, what do u like?" Ari said.
" I like ummmmmmmm I dunno !" ( lol moment 😂)
" okay what bout boo😁!" Ari said
" ye I luvvvvvvvvvvv it and I know we only jus met but do u wanna go out with me 😛😜" I said

Hi guys mollie here I probably have no readers on this book but oh well it's fun so left you on a cliff hanger and what do u think ari will say and there not even at school yet . There in deep doodoo 💩💩

Bye 😉xxxxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2014 ⏰

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