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this is going to be short because im lazy as *beeeeeeeeeeeep*

no im just kidding <3 but this is a story which i think would help people to know there not alone....ENJOY<3333 XD.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

I'm alone, scared, sick, and hated. I dont know why. I'm Quinn and this is my story.

A new year has started. Yay, a new start to more judging and hating and licking and kissing and fucki*beeeeeeeep*....HAHA ummmm...moving on...and more slapping and more punching know im talking about best friends dont do that??? dont abuse them????Is it just me????, they abuse me just as much.....DONT YOU JUDGE ME!!        *DAMN IT DANICA START THE STORY ALREADY**OKKKKKKK*******

I walk to my locker, my face was really bubbley and happy. Even though knowone said hi to me yet. But then, cold hands lightly slapped me in the face, of course i screamed. It was Kata, my best frienemy. Its kind of a love hate situation with me and kata. We just seem to role with it.

Jinx arrived tossing her bags into my locker, and then started squealing. My big weakness is my jealousy. BUTTTTTTT*heheheh anaconda*i know me and kata love gaming a lot more then Jinx. OHHMAAAAAGLOOOBBBBB IM A HORRIBLE PERSONNNNNNNNNNNN. I love Jinx, but i get the feeling as if she lies about her interests. She is the *stereotype*girly type of person.

OK IM GONNA STOP NOW....ok the only reason why im kind of against Jinx being to close with Kata is because Kata is the one who stopped me from being suicidal and depressed, (this is after)

OK I GOTTA GOOOOOOO so next chapter will be next time BIIIIIIIIIIIII (let me know in the comments if i should continue with my story

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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