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Hi! Uh. Welcome to the random book. I would question why you decided to venture into this place of crackheadness,but who knows. Anyway.as you can tell,the art was made by my dear friend, codythegreyfox and you can see,she basically put zero efforts into it,which makes it better. This cover is amazing,to be honest.

Anyways,so this book basically has OCS in it,in general, ranging from My Hero Academia OCS,(Yuuto, Shironomi,Katsu,Kage),Black Clover (Vixen,Omaya),Fire Force( Shenji,Charlet),Dr. Stone( Kiro), Demon Slayer( Neito,Dezla)and many more.

So ya. I hope y'all enjoy this book. I sure will when I start actually writing it!

Bye guys.

Yuuto:*Goat Screams,and faints*


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