Chapter 1- A new life and friend

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Chapter 1

Greenwhich was a scary ass place if you ask me. I hear it was home to the most murders in history. I don’t know why mom would choose to move here. I sigh and watch as we pull into our new home. I hop out of the car and look around. I saw a mother and a kid my age walking towards us. It took everything I had not to let out any tears. 

“Hello, new neighbors! I’m Donna and this is my son, Jeremy.” the mother introduced. My mom smiled.

“I’m Amy and this is my boy, Andrew.”

I decided to be polite, so I smiled and waved.

“Nice to meet you two.” I say. Damn, I now notice how deep my voice is? Wow...... Anyway, Jeremy is staring at me in shock. I walk over to him. We started walking away from the parents and decided to walk around the neighborhood. I looked up at the sky and realized it was getting cloudy. I frowned and Jeremy did too. Then it started pouring. What the fuck? Random ass down pour much? I sigh and shiver. Damn, I never knew rain could make you so cold. I felt something wrap around me. Jeremy’s jacket? I look at him. 

“You need it. You’ll get sick if you don’t have it.” I say. 

He smiled. “I rather get sick than have you get sick.”

I frowned. “We’ll share it.”

He looked at me and nodded. We somehow managed to share the jacket. Damn, was it awkward though. Ah well. I started to sing a song I had started writing today.

“I never meant to be the one, who kept you from the dark. but now I know where wounds are sewn, because of who you are.”

I ended with a smile on my face, proud of what I wrote. I turn to Jeremy who was looking at me in shock. “You can sing!” he smiles. 

I return the smile. “Thanks. No one’s ever told me that before. Not even my old friend.” 

He frowns. “Andrew, don’t let him bring you down. That shows he’s not being a real friend. you have an amazing voice and a talent. Don’t give up just because of a few critics. Their bullshit in my eyes!” 

I had tears rolling down my face. No one has ever been this nice to me before. I smile at him and rest my head on his shoulder. “I guess your my only true friend. No one has ever been that nice to me. Not even Matt. My old friend. He would ignore me whenever I was getting bullied by jocks. I don’t even know why i still consider him a friend.” I sigh. 

He smiled. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. Lime green eyes? Must be colored contacts. We kept walking till we got back to my place. 

“Thanks for everything, Jeremy, but please step inside. I don’t want you to have to be out here anymore.” I say.

He smiles and laughs. “Ok.”

When we got inside, We threw our shirts and his jacket in the dryer. I went to the kitchen and found a note laying on the counter. It read:


I went over to Donna and jeremy’s house. Won’t be back for a couple of hours. Please, while i’m gone, try to start unpacking your stuff. Your boxes are in your room. (upstairs, first one on the left.) Love you, Mom. 

I put the note down and looked at Jeremy, who was sitting on the couch. I found my self looking at his wet chest. What the hell? I shook my head and walked over to him. He looks up at me and smiles and yawns. I return the smile. 

“My mom went to your house. So, we’re here alone for a couple of hours.” I say and sit down next to him. He nods. I yawn and rest my head on his chest. I hear the beating of his heart. It’s like the perfect melody. I could fall asleep, listening to the sound of it. I can feel him shift so that he’s laying down on the couch. He starts stroking my hair and starts saying something.

“I dive into your soul. When I look into your eyes. I get lost again and again. Emotions drowning me. Hidden deep within a sea. I will search for you, until the very end.”

That voice. I didn’t know he could sing. I smile. “You have a pretty voice.” I said and looked up at him. 

He blushed. “I didn’t know you were awake.” he said.

I giggled. “I was trying to sleep. But i’m not kidding. You have an amazing voice.” I say, looking into his eyes. 

He smiled. “Thanks. Your the first person i’ve sung in front of.”

I snuggle into his chest. “Aw. I’m special.”

He laughed. “Yea. Yea you are. You’re special and unique. You're not mean. You’re very kind. Plus, kids our age don’t have a talent yet. You can sing! Not very many people can. Your deep voice helps too.”

I smile and close my eyes. I throw my arm over his lap, so it looks like i’m hugging him and fall asleep.

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