Chapter One

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"You should eat something." A woman told her black haired friend, flinching slightly when she slammed her mug onto the bar. "Or...not?"

"It's too early for this, Renfri. I've told you to keep those men of yours under control." She growled out quietly, noticing the bar get quiet but not caring.

"You killed one of them. I'd say we're even." Renfri muttered while eating some of her food.

"No, he ran into my fucking blade."

"Aeliana! Why would he just run into the blade?" Renfri laughed when her friend made a face at her, already knowing that she was starting to cool down.

"Humans make it so hard not to kill them." Aeliana mumbled while raising her mug up, the barkeep refilling it without question or protest. "I met this one who wouldn't stop singing. 'Course, I ditched him when I reached the bar I met him at."

"Hear that?" The two women finally listened in to the conversation, Aeliana turning slightly to watch what was going on. "Go. On your own or at the end of a rope, your choice."

"Wasn't he asking for the alderman?" Aeliana asked her friend, Renfri nodding in confirmation. Although it seemed that they weren't paying attention, the two were. And Aeliana could feel the mans eyes on her.

"Not a hard choice." Aeliana snickered when the man spoke up again, already sensing what was going to happen.

"Yeah, fuck that." One of Renfri's men said, moving to block the white haired man from leaving. "Kill 'im with your bare hands if you have to."

"Another to run into my blade?" Aeliana asked Renfri, the white haired man glancing at her as his lips tugged upwards in a form of a smile before dropping.

"Come on Witcher. You're not scared of us, are ya?" Another man asked as a group stood behind the first, Aeliana glancing at her friend warningly.

"Show us what you've got." Another spoke while walking quickly towards him, stopping when Aeliana threw her empty mug at his head.

"Can you not leave it alone for a moment?" Renfri finally spoke up as her friend stood, Aeliana readying herself for any possible outcome. The man Aeliana threw the mug at groaned and tossed it back to her, knowing not to challenge her.

"Witcher's can't be trusted."

"She wasn't speaking to you." Aeliana spoke aloud, keeping her eyes on the group of men in front of her. "And I doubt she cares for your opinion."

"I apologize for my mans interference in your day." She said to the Witcher before turning to her black haired friend. "Hopefully he can improve his behavior by tomorrows market. Else, Aeliana here would like to acquaint him with her sword."

"Sorry, Renfri." The man apologized, turning and walking away. "Come on lads."

"I promise you that he ran into my sword." Aeliana defended, Renfri looking at her. "What? I merely turned and he ran right into it."

"He was struck through his throat."

"It was a good angle." Renfri rolled her eyes and turned back in her chair.

"Beer for my friend here and one for me." The barkeep looked at them from the corner of his eye.

"Hello? She's speaking to you now." Aeliana said to him, the brunette rolling her eyes and raising her mug. "You speak when not spoken to, yet quiet when you are."

"Want some breakfast?" Renfri offered the man, waiting on the barkeep to bring their drinks.

"I'm full." The man declined, staring at the two. Mostly at Aeliana as she watched the barkeep to make sure he didn't do anything to their drinks out of spite. "Venison."

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