Warriors by Erin Hunter

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wARNInG this book WILL make you tear up every once in a while. So I'm sure that right now your thinking: "It's a book about cats. How sad can it be?" Well lemme tell you something. This book has blood practically everywhere and pain and loss and the true tragedy and heart wrenchingness of Mother Nature.
Okay, so now that's over Synopsis:
A housecat named Rusty longs for the forest. He wants to see what's there but his friend Smudge warns him against it because according to him there are these group of cats in the forest; clan cats and they're always put for blood. But when Rusty joins ThunderClan in the forest, his name is changed to Firepaw and he's thrown into the lives of these clan cats and makes his own enemies. The rest of the arcs follow the stories of the ThinderClans younger generation but giving you a synopsis of them will spoil stuff so I'm not going to.
The Basics:
All of the books are written in third-person limited (you can only see the thoughts of one character) and in the first arc the POVs stay with Rusty/Firepaw whatever you want to call him, but in the other arcs the POVs rotate around usually three cats. There are six books each arc and there are four completed arcs and one uncompleted as of the time I write this (11/20/14). There are also around eight special editions, I think three guide books and a few different manga series. Basically what I like about it is that there is enough reading material to last a year or so. If you were to start then start with book 1: Into the Wild.
These books are overall amazing. Well written, fast paced, and action packed. It deals with things like humans uprooting trees, forest fires, floods, death and sorrow. About friendship misunderstandings and war and forbidden stuff. In other words this is a great book with loads of heart that makes you get attached to the characters after even a chapter or two and also gives you a true appreciation for nature and the animals.
RATING: 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢 out of 10 turtles. Btw its 10/10 if your on a computer and can't see this.
I've been meaning to post this but I never got around to doing so here it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2015 ⏰

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