Chapter 1

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Grabbing my hand and yanking on the skin ferociously, I stare up to the man who imprisoned me into darkness and pain and wondered to what went through the thick skull that protected his puny mind. All I know is his name is Zak Newton and he was incredibly private, all he showed was the visible stress that creased his forehead in 4 singular lines and the occasional bead of sweat that littered his forehead trying to be free from the toxicity in his blood.

He looked like your everyday man, it was probably why he got away with my kidnapping so easily, he practised expressing his emotions every day twice saying each emotion before pulling a face. For example, yesterday, I could hear him from behind my locked door saying, 'anger' and he paused for a few moments before realising a cackle before saying 'happy'. He repeated this process a few more times going over each emotion until he was satisfied.

This overall scared me.

The place we were going, was the place I knew too well. My holding room or cell if you call it. I spend most of my day in this room, sitting at the wall and daydreaming of the smell of daisy's and buttercups littering a field with their bright white and orange petals. Watching the Auburn leaves drop from the tree in delicate swooping motions coating the grass in different colours of the sunset. This process caused the trees to go bare and shiver in the cold every night making the fingers of the trees to stand out and create an eerie shadow in the moonlight. The cold winter nights watching the innocent snowflakes falling to the ground and covering the city with a snowy blanket, remembering the excitement of not having school the next day. Thinking of the time my mum would snuggle me up in a blanket and gave me a hot chocolate, that I could never finish since I was too excited to sit still. Before I knew it, spring came along and I went to the park across the road with my mum and dad and watched all the animals begin to wake. Listening to the sound of birds tweeting their morning ballads in unison, repeating the same 4 bars. Watching the squirrels collect their nuts and snapping their head from left to right making sure there was no enemy in their wake that was planning to take their nut from their tight grasp.

I also imagine throwing snowballs and making snowmen in winter, kicking leaves in autumn and falling into the leaf piles, annoying my mum from the amount of mud I had on my now dirty trousers. But she never scolded me, she simply laughed and called me a 'mucky pup'. Building sandcastles and eating endless amounts of whippy ice cream that melted on your tongue in summer. Seeing all the daffodils standing like soldiers in a field, breathing in the sweet smell they erupted into the atmosphere as they opened their petals. Illuminating, the fields in their yellow and orange adding colour to the world once again.

Every day since I have been in this hell hole, I have relived each moment I remember as a kid, running around freely, and not being like a Meerkat and constantly at the edge waiting for a predator. The only thing I mainly miss is my freedom and family. Now I'm just stuck sitting in this room which is now a threat to me. Every stare I give the wall I just have anger bubbling up in me. I want to escape, I want to be free. But I don't know how I can make these wants/wishes come  true. 

Slowly, I feel myself becoming insane from being encased by the same 4 white walls.

Now I am starting to realize that this is my life now, imagining what it is like on the outside world, always teasing myself to think that I could possibly get out of this place. I want to be able to escape someday, but right now it seemed impossible. But it's time to make the impossible possible.

Snapping back into reality I noticed my closeness to Zak as we walked side by side, I do not do this willingly, he normally grabs my arm, wrist, hair or waist and forces me to step closer to him. If I could I would punch him square in the face and get sweet revenge on my abuser, thinking of it made me shudder in excitement. However, I knew it was impossible as he was stronger than me, so if my dream did come true it would be a flipping miracle!

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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