Meet Again (Kapprisen Oneshot)

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At this point in his life, Kappa was more intune with his body then most merfolk were; with being the beacon and all. He didn’t have hyperactive smell or hearing, neither did he have super strength (as much as he wishes his puny body did.) But his body was hyper intune in the sense of actual feeling, whether that be of the physical or emotional aspect of life around him.

So being said, it didn’t strike him as odd when he started feeling that tickle in his chest that accompanied his being whenever a prophecy was about to be fulfilled.

Although it did begin to set worry in his mind as long and dragged out days went on of him traveling along the sea bed, the fluttering in his core staying persistent nonetheless; in fact growing stronger with every passing hour.

Worry from the fact that a prophecy usually came within hours and maybe a day at max once the feeling set in. Worry in the way he’d always have an urge to turn around and simply swim back the way he came from, as weird as it seemed since there was literally nothing for him in the vast sea of blue.

Worry in the way he longed to be held and to hold something, even though growing up alone and fending for himself conditioned him to be more of the solitary type.

Of course the longing was bound to eventually have an impact on his feelings, leading to tireless nights of him staring up to the absent sky with thoughts of ‘him’ pestering. Longing for the hours of conversation, regardless of the cold prison bars blocking 70% of the possible contact that could have ensued.

Missing the scarce and secret moments of caressing the princes hands through the small openings, and moments of comfortable silence spared between them as eye contact was all the two needed in order to talk. It was nothing but pure, honest truth when Kappa thought of the fact that the icy tones of gray and blue would forever remain his favorite colors after getting lost in those blue eyes of Sirens for so long.

It still pained him to think about the predicament that lead to his departure of the hidden shark castle though; the unknowingness of Sirens well being giving Kappa anxiety every time the boy popped into his head … which at this point was all the time.

He couldn’t deny that their connection had brought out the strongest emotions he experienced in his 20 busy, stress filled years of his life. It had been nearly 5 months since he left too, but the painstaking burn was still like a day-fresh wound.

After nearly a month of Kappa feeling on edge 24/7, just waiting for some prophecy to finally blip into existence, he had built himself habits to take his mind off of things. Find new specimens to name. Take up small crafts. Make friends if his introverted self was feeling bold … although most of those lead to him saying goodbye because of his need to fulfill prophecies.

Either way, staying occupied and sidetracked in the present moment took Kappas thoughts off of the now burning feeling of his entire body. He felt like his skin was sizzling with electricity all the time and had absolutely zero idea why. The fact he could be dying sat in the back of his mind; a small and guilty part of him literally hoping that idea was correct.

No matter the outcome Kappa forced with all his might for the thought to just go away for at least a day as he sat in a bed of ocean grass, a small pile plucked and set beneath a rock for convenience. He’d spent the quiet afternoon distracting his mind as he weaved a bag to hold miscellaneous things.

Kappas quiet humming of an old tune he picked up as a kid was all that made sound filling in the literal and metaphorical motionless expanse of water. Faint swishes of the surrounding water accompanied the hums after some time, the guppies swimming around him rather quickly, agitated of all things.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2020 ⏰

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