Tough Love Will Fine a Way

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Its Jessie here with my best friend Kristen, yes she's a hugeee Directioner she's a fan what's his name..the one that shaved his head..Leemo? Liam? Something like that..i mean I always thought the blonde one was cute..but I would never tell her that..she'd never leave me alone...and as for me..i could careless about em..they're just another pop band that gets on my nerves. How could she like that annoying music? When they sing it sounds like a dying cat, but I put up with her cause I love her.

I just turned 17.

I didn't have a normal childhood like parents were never home or away on some "business" trip..but I didn't buy it, so I was always with Kristen or the housekeeper

How I met her you ask? Funny story, we were in the same elementary school together but we hated each other...for stupid reasons day I took her crayons and she told the teacher..yes childish...but what can I say..we were only 7..but one day when we got to middle school we just..i dunno..clicked..and we are now on our 3rd year of high school together and have been inseparable.

But enough of my boring back story.

here's how my whole life changed in just a little bit. It all started when we were sitting on Kristen's bed watching TV when we heard this loud bang..almost like a car crash..and this piercing screech which made us go outside and check.

When we saw what had happened and who was in the car we had no idea what to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2012 ⏰

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