Chapter 1: Back On Earth

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The earth was in the season of autumn when Aestii was put back on earth. Heta god gave the ancients each a human name to remember before going back down but no last name, few got last names. Aestii's given name is Varvarra. She didn't know when she was going back, or why but it was very out of the blue.

                            Varvarra's story 

Shifting , yawning . Varvarra sat up looking at her surrounding she was in a forest, it was dawn. "I, I'm back ? but where. My forest ? or someone else's ?"  Varvarra didn't know if laws were different or the same with territory. She was wearing her signature clothing from back then, A brown dress with gold embroidery, over her shoulders her purple cloak. Along with belt around her waist that had a scabbard and a pouch big enough to hold with both hands. The scabbard sheathed a long sword. Her pouch seemed heavy as she opened it she found her amber necklace along with various gold to silver coins. Taking out the necklace and closing her pouch she put her necklace on. Slowly getting up she felt the weight of her sword. Looking to her right side she lightly pulled with her left hand on the handle. The sword glinted, She pulled the sword out more to see if it was sharp, It was. Now to try and find her way to other people, she looked into what little sky she could see" if the sun rises in the east and sets in the west... north would be.. " she looked for the sun even if it was early dawn " damn trees, I need to find a clearing." Sighing and started walking east . While she was walking she came about a wooden path way. "well at least this will take me somewhere. maybe I'll find, wait? I I have kids . I wonder if there okay .." she was amazed she had almost felt out she had kids but which one would she find first? would any remember her? Varvarra kept walking on the wooden path and heard voices up ahead, she started walking fast, fast turned into a run and running turned into a sprint. The wood became dirt and the dirt became sand. Stopping in her tracks huffing looking around seeing a few people and then seeing the Baltic Sea.

                                                                                        It was almost morning the sea sparkled from the sun light with a breeze catching the ocean scent . Varvarra's Burgundy hair gently swayed from the breeze, As her crimson eyes swelled up with tears seeing her favorite ocean view. The orange and yellow leafs contrasted. She walked onto the beach setting down her cape and belt taking off her boots and dress. Having her black pants and black long sleeve top under her clothing . Walking into the water up to her ankles smiling, She then started to splash the water around laughing a bit . " Kesesese !" happy tears she wiped away. she walked back sitting on the beach. "I didn't think i'd miss this so much but it feels nice " she spoke to her self as she laid down and took a nap by her stuff. a few hours past and it was now day almost noon. Varvarra woke up dried and put the rest of her clothing back on. People walked up to her asking for a picture. Varvarra barely understood their dialect but recognized it was Lithuanian. She nodded thinking a painter was to come take their picture. A flash of the camera Varvarra was spooked and took out her sword in her left hand, her right hand rubbing her eyes. The people apologized and backed away . Varvarra then asked for directions to the nearest town confused from the flash thinking it was magic but not any she knew she was pretty irritated now. They pointed her to the closest  town. Sheathing her sword back she walked off talking to herself. "was the light magic or, wait can I still use my magic? ... i'll try that later , for now I need to find food hopefully this town has a trade market ." A while later she entered the town it was now late noon . She walked about the town, Passing a flower shop she stopped and backed up looking into the flower shop. "Lithuania ? " she said under her breath staring at a male with light brown hair that was lengthen messy slightly above his shoulders through a window. Opening the door she turned the male around . his green eyes met her red eyes. "Motina! (mother)" he exclaimed loudly and confused holding a bouquet of rue. Varvarra smiled opening her arms for a hug. Lith set down the flowers and hugged his mother tears swelled but he wiped them away fast happy his mom was back. "how are you back?! How did you get here?! are you hungry !?" he exclaimed while picking back up the flowers handing the clerk money, and walking her outside. Varvarra smiled he still remembered olden language. "Lithuania i'm glad you look healthy, but I'll tell you everything once were home are your brother and sisters here ? oh and what are the new territory rules? " she said curiously. Lithuania smiled awkwardly "oh um no I'm on my own everyone is actually, well most of us became countries.".  "Most? what do you mean Most?!" Varvarra became worried looking at her son. "lets go home ill let you use my history books so you can catch up." Lithuania said holding his mothers hand. She nodded and followed him.

Home, Lithuania had made sure to walk the whole way unknowing if his mother would like cars. Varvarra kept quiet on the way there looking at her surroundings and how a lot has changed. The sun began to set as the moon crept into the sky. They walked inside , Lithuania turned on some lights and put the flowers in a vase looking to his mother" ill let you borrow some of my clothing it may be big on you but you'll feel comfortable. oh ! you should probably take a shower  too . ill show you to the bathroom and -" interrupted by Varvarra. " lil lith I want to learn I want to be able to travel without a problem but I need to know right now, who out of your siblings didn't make it to be a country?" Lithuania hesitated and then held his mothers hands "it was Prussia who didn't make it Motina there was nothing anyone could do to help him.." he sighed hugging her close. "but ,-" Varvarra looked into her sons eyes sad but curious"but what?" Lithuania smiled lightly " He's still alive he actually lives with Germany right now." Varvarra nodded "who's Germany? " She asked. Lithuania remembered he went by another name back then "oh you'll see but for now let's settle you in." Lithuania helped his mother learn how to use the restroom, As well a stopped her from stripping down right in front of him. "I'll go make dinner, the clothing is on top of the sink when you're done showering!" He said over the sound of the shower "yell if you need anything Motina!" Varvarra started to undress and undid her wraps the held her chest up. She stepped in and used the soaps to clean her self as Lith told her to do. Making sure to definitely not get it in her eyes. After her shower she changed into the clothing Lith lended her, A soft cream sweater and grey pj pants. They were definitely big on her. After brushing her hair and taking down her stuff she smelled the air. The house smelled really good. she peeked into the kitchen seeing Lith and then stepping in. " Lithuania what should I do with my clothing ? whatever your cooking smells really good too." Lithuania a bit startled turned with a smile " just put them by the last door at the end of that hallway , as for your pouch and sword will take them to the office after dinner." Varvarra smiled "okay!" once done she sat at the table patiently. Lithuania brought over two bowls of sauerkraut soup it was there and then that he realized his mother needed a bra."ill have to show you women fashion now days Motina that way you can blend in and not attached any unwanted attention." Varvarra nodded taking the bowl from Lith and started eating with him. Once done with dinner they went to the office. she set her pouch and sword on a partially clear shelf and sat down on the couch. "things have certainly become comfy " she said hold onto a pillow. "very true motina. ill grab the 3 history books real quick for you. So you can start reading while I work" he said with a light yawn. Time passed by and Lithuania was asleep on his desk while Varvarra was still up reading half way through book 1 she looked over to her son and set the book down. she kissed his head putting a blanket on him and gently lifted his head next putting a pillow under . she then went back to reading taking it slowly to understand the events that happened after she left. Hours past by Lithuania woke up surprised he wasn't aching as bad from falling asleep at his desk . he looked over seeing his mother asleep with the beginning of book two open on her chest and face. 

                          a couple of weeks passed by

Varvarra had luckily learned quickly and got new clothing. A world meeting was going to be held. Lithuania had learned over the phone that almost everyones parents had came back, He was a bit nervous to take his mother with him but he did want her to see her the other kids even if most of them no long saw each other as siblings. "Motina!.. Motina! lets go we got to be there early ! I also have your name tag for you to put on with you ancient name and your human name on it !" He shouted from down the hall. She was almost done putting on her mascara and her contact lenses so she could see. Wanting to make sure she looked her best and that she used what her son had given her since he was having her stay with him she was very grateful . Doctors were definitely weird to her still though. Coming over quickly rushing down the hall in a light tan turtle neck with dark jeans wearing knee high brown boots she took the name tag and quickly pinned it on. As they both got into the car quickly. Lithuania was wearing his white button up and black trench coat with dress pants. 

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