to short to be a chapter so basically prologue

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A smack comes from the classroom of UA. "I WOULD DIE FOR YOU"! A strange reaction to being slapped you might think. Izuku turns to Uraraka "what's he doing"? the male asks pointing at todoroki who has his arms around izuku's waist. "He's passive-aggressively hugging you" the brunette replies, stepping back from the scene. "as your class rep I advise you to let go"! Iida steps in waving his arms in a chopping motion.

The class watches intensely, exceedingly confused. While Aizawa from the desk upfront is scribbling something down as if his life depended on it. Bring out the popcorn.

(I've been busy with school and family stuff, but people asked for the link and stuff so this is a very. Very, short chapter. Apologies, they'll get longer. I haven't had any motivation either, but I hope you can wait for the rest 😊.

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