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When i was at the age of 5 the world was an hell, all because of one nation... my nation, The FireNation. I hated the war but what could i do? i wasn't the avatar... altough i was special. My mom and dad where both Fire benders , my Dad could bend lighting and he was so proud when the first lighting sparks came out of my fingers. But i also could bend earth and metal. 

at that age everything at home was fine, I went to school and had amaizing grades. One day i came home from school and my only my mom was there crying. Dad had an heart attack.  since i was from a young age my mom didn't tell me the whole story what really happened to my dad. until now day i still don't know . 

When i was at the age of 9,5 i was an great Firebender, I could take the same classes as the Firelord there childeren Zuko and Azula and other rich kids from town. Since my dad died we became poor and i did everything to help my mom pay the rent and taking classes at the same time. Azula wanted to be friends with me but she wasn't good at making friends... not at all. Altough i liked playing with Ty lee and Mai. Zuko was always a victem of Azula her plans, Azula knew he liked mai at this time, so one time she shot the apple on Mai's head on fire , Zuko ran towards her and went into the fontain. 

at that time i had an crush on Mushu , Mushu worked at the same restaurand where i worked he was an Non-Bender but that didn't mather to me, he was kind and verry funny. One time we two where sitting on a bench close to the sea, Azula ran towards the bench and pushed me off, i landed in the water. Mushu didn't even mind to look for me. i... was drowning , until i waterbended my way out of it. since i had never waterbended before it was taking my energy. i layed down on the beach. Not much later Iroh and Zuko found me... all cold and tired. i couldn't even speak a word and the last thing i knew from that day was iroh holding me in his arms while zuko took my hand. from that day i forgot i could waterbend...

all i could remember was me waking up in te palace in a very comfortable bed. Ursa and zuko where sitting next to me while my mom was no where to be found. 'We're glad you are awake litlle one.' Ursa said. my back hurted alot. 'you made such a big fall! we are glad you did make it. Uncle and i found you all cold.' 'Found me? big fall?' i forgot alot but one thing i remembered was going home and no one was there... days went by and my mom still wasn't at home. I remember even at the age of 11 i still had the plushi my dad gave me, i hugged it every night and now i hugged it harder. 'hey litlle one' iroh walked in. from that day i saw iroh as my dad he cared for . I later heared that mom just left me she went to her other man at Ba Sing Se . Since Iroh lost his child he took care of me like i was his child all the time.

When i was 13 zuko was burned and banished by his dad.

- This is some quick history about Y/N who gets a different name since i don't wanna type Y/n the whole time , See you next time- 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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