1 • diablo

315 30 53

repost of this chapter!! i've changed it a lot so you might wanna reread xox


renjun chuckled, looking up at the blonde with challenging eyes.

"just cause you're outwardly a demon like us now, doesn't mean you're any different deep down, jeno. or should i say angel?"

the said male rolled his eyes. "yeah yeah, funny aren't you." the latter grinned, his two sharp fangs peeking out from the sides as he did so, exposing his sparkling canines to his friend.

"being an angel didn't stop you from wanting to be with me all the time before," jeno shrugged, downing a shot before swiping his lips over with a quick movement of his thumb.

renjun followed it intently, before snapping his gold eyes up to his friend. "don't get too excited, pretty boy. i'm the reason you converted."

the latter scoffed. "you think  extremely highly of yourself, don't you now?"

"when you're me, who wouldn't?" renjun smirked, eyeing the other boy up and down, once, twice, before abandoning his shot to lean over to jeno.

their faces were centimetres apart, and the blonde could feel the warmth of renjun's breath fanning over his lips. piercing crystal eyes found amber ones, and locked.

"you said dare, didn't you?"

jeno nodded, barely making any movement to ensure he didn't break eye contact.

"bring someone from earth to my lair. make them cute."

jeno leant backwards. "from earth?" you know that's not allowed, and i'm not even able to go alone since i'm newly converted?"

now it was renjun's turn to roll his eyes.

"no shit sherlock. that's why it's a fucking dare? but you're right about the second part," renjun sighed, contemplating.

jeno sighed also, but for other reasons.

"you know what, i'll make it easier for you."

the blonde would never want to admit it, but he was relieved. earth was too big a task for right now.

"i'll come with you."

mark was having the time of his life. feet kicked up on the lunch table, a hotdog in one hand, a perfect view of lee donghyuck, a pair of glasses on for an even more perfect view of lee donghyuck, what more could a man want?

mark sighed. "he's just so dream-"

and suddenly he wasn't having the time of his life anymore.

apple juice was dripping down his shirt, sticking to his skin like sweat as well as his hotdog being soaked but most importantly- his perfect view of donghyuck was not so perfect.

"what the fuck!" he exclaimed, flicking the glasses off and glaring at the boy beside him.

"don't 'what the fuck' me, mark lee. you've been going on about how dreamy hyuck is for the past thirty fucking minutes and you haven't taken a single bite from your hotdog yet?" jaemin screeched. "and now my apple juice has been wasted on the likes of you?"

"keep your voice down!" the older boy whisper-screamed with a crimson face. his lover boy in question was now staring at him due to the sudden outburst of his own best friend. he was so going to punch him when they got out of sight from donghyuck.

"i'll keep my voice down when you stop blabbering on about my best friend... actually," jaemin paused.

he smirked.

mark was practically pissing himself.

"hyuck!" jaemin called.

mark was definitely pissing himself.

donghyuck made his way over to the boys, excusing his lunch table and manoeuvring between the tables to get to them.

"what's up?" he grinned, remembering jaemin's previous outburst which he had very luckily heard loud and clear.

"mark would-" jaemin sneaked a glance to the boy who kept subtly trying to cross his arms in a way to say 'stop' however the latter simply shrugged it off, his smirk widening. "would like you to help him get the apple juice off him! he accidentally spilt it all over himself," jaemin mock pouted, petting the poor boy's head for extra effect.

hyuck turned to mark.

mark managed a half smile.

"come! i have a spare shirt in my bag which u can wear after i get this mess of you. let's go!" he grinned happily, grasping onto mark's wrist and pulling him up and out of his chair as he quickly made their way out of the canteen.

jaemin mouthed a 'you're welcome' to the older who flipped him off whilst being dragged out of the room.

he sighed, plopping back down in hyuck's previous chair with, finally, peace and quiet, just him and his thoughts-

ah, shit. maths.

students piled into the classroom, most of them about five minutes early due to not wanting to be late. jaemin was one of them, he just didn't want to get on the bad sides of any teachers this year.

another perk of being early was getting to choose your seat, so obviously, the back corner seat was practically begging for him to occupy it.

once seated, jaemin checked the times and saw he was still free for five minutes, until the teacher arrived. luckily for him, the large, arched windows were on the wall closest to his seat, giving him a beautiful view of the college's grounds, decorated in seasonal flowers, antique stone-carved fountains, small rock waterfalls, shaped, muscular calves-

jaemin had to double take. 'muscular calves?'

his eyes did not infact fool him.

standing with his back to jaemin, stood a boy who seemingly had a lithe frame, however witb the large hoodie practically swallowing him, it was hard for the ash-blonde to tell. with just some black cargo-shorts which were knee-length, jaemin was exposed to the beautifully shaped calves bestowed upon this boy.

the same boy seemed to be holding a book of some sort, but from this angle, the other couldn't tell what it was for, and what worried jaemin a bit was that class was to start in a minute or so, and this poor student was still outside. from experience, he knew that to get from the grounds to class was quite a trek, about five minutes, and he wouldn't make it for whatever class he had next.

and the boy was definitely new. jaemin would've been able to distinguish calves like that anywhere if he'd seen them before.

ripping himself from his own thoughts, jaemin cast his gaze back to the window, brows raising when he noticed the absence of calf-boy.

or so he thought.

within that minute, the obnoxious creak of the large, heavy oak door sounded, and jaemin's eyes snapped up to the disruption.

you could only imagine the confusion on his face when he spotted calves and golden, cat-like eyes.

not proofread :) let me know ab any errors xox

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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