Chapter 1

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A first day at school is always scary. At least that's the stereotypical view of a first day. Ellie was not scared though. Why would she be? It would be the first time that she would be able to socialize properly since her mother died when she was 15. She could barely contain her excitement and it was more than a little concerning for Gabrielle, her best friend.

"You alright there?" She asked, tearing her eyes from her book and raising one eyebrow. Ellie was sat on her bed staring at Gabrielle with eyes wide and full of optimism. She had been staring for so long that Gabrielle's comfort metre was tipping over the edge causing her to finally address the situation.

"Aren't you excited? How can you be sitting there reading a book when we're going to school tomorrow!" Ellie giggled and sprawled herself out onto her bed, blonde her pooling around her face. "I can't wait to hear the buzz of people. D'you know that I haven't spoken to another soul for almost three weeks?"

"You spoke to your boyfriend just last night  . . . didn't you?" Gabrielle informed her and finally decided on closing her book and putting it to one side. There was no way she was going to get anywhere further in that book when Ellie was in such a hyper mood like this.

"Yeah, but that doesn't count 'cause I already know him. Guess what!" Ellie was now sitting up and squealing with giggles on her bed. She grinned widely to which Gabrielle widened her eyes and looked more than a little scared if anything.

"Uh . . . what? You two haven't done anything yet, have you?"

"What? No, of course not, you idiot. He told me that he loved me for the first time last night." Ellie swooned with a bat of her eyes and a perfectly stupid smile stretched across her tanned face.

"Ellie . . . just don't hate me for saying this, but . . . be careful." Gabrielle said as she climbed to her feet and moved across the room to her own bed and settled down.

"What do you mean 'be careful'? He isn't dangerous or anything." Ellie chuckled lightly.

"I have a bad feeling about him. Just . . . be careful. For me." She threw her dark blonde hair up into a messy bun and slid herself under the navy duvet that covered her bed. It was silent for a long while before Gabrielle added, "sorry" onto the end of her last sentence.

"You're just looking out for me. It's fine." Ellie muttered and bit her lip. The orange glow of the lamp next to her made her skin seem even more tanned than it really was.

"Yeah but pissing you off is a shit move to make, he's your boyfriend not mine, so I'm sorry." Gabrielle smiled and reached out to the lamp and switched it off. The room was suddenly plunged into darkness, the moon providing a beam of light from the half open curtains that draped over the window. "Goo'night." Gabrielle whispered as she heard Ellie shuffling around in her bed attempting to get comfortable as she always does.

"Night. Love you." Ellie replied softlyvafter a minute of adjusting her body in her bed.

"Love you too." And then all that could be heard were the faint snores of Gabrielle's brother in the next room and the odd car that would zoom past the house at well over the speed limit which is something that Gabrielle's mum always complained about in the morning over breakfast.

They had moved to Newton Haven in 2013. At that time, Ellie wasn't living with Gabrielle; she lived with her own mother just on the boarder of the town. Newton Haven was like a dream. Its summers were beautiful and its winters were cosy epecially when it reached nearer to Christmas. The two girls were inseperable, even at a young age. They had known each other since the age of 4 and since then their friendship had blossomed into something that neither of them had expected.

When they first arrived in Newton Haven, the only secondary school that was in the town was full. It was only small and due to Newton Haven's low population, there should have been a lack of children. But of course there wasn't, meaning that Ellie and Gabrielle had to be homeschooled by Ellie's mum. Not only a day before her fifteenth birthday, Ellie's mother passed away. She apparently had had a tumor in her brain that she had not told Ellie about.

Motherless and homeless, Ellie turned to Gabrielle for help. Gabrielle was the only person she dared to speak to and due to losing her mother, Ellie was also losing her confidence. But slowly Gabrielle built her lost best friend back up and gradually got her back to her old self. And now they had school to look forward too tomorrow. Neither of them knew what their fate had in store for them, but they would soon find out.

Written by Gabby :3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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