Draco Versus the First of August

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Richard Burns, the manager of Flourish and Blotts, narrows his eyes as he surveys his team. He often refers to them in his head as his 'motley crew', but this morning, they really look it. Emma looks disheveled and keeps yawning, barely reaching up to cover her mouth when she does. Greg is staring off into the middle distance, clearly in his own little world. Jamie is alternatively examining his nails and biting his cuticles. Joe and Luca are attempting to carry on a conversation in undertones, though Richard can clearly hear that they are discussing plans to go to the pub after work. The other various and sundry members are shifting from foot to foot, looking bored. Only Draco seems to be paying Richard any mind.

Ah Draco, the model employee. Always put together, tie neat, robes straight. He is polite with customers and he works hard. Richard knows his background, of course he does, everyone knows about the Malfoys' involvement in the war, but Draco has been nothing but professional since joining Richard's team five years ago.

Richard clears his throat and tugs his shirt down lower over his tummy. Jamie glances up at him briefly, then his eyes flick back down to his nails.

"Ok, team," Richard begins. "Do you know what day it is?" Emma yawns again and doesn't bother to try to hide it. Greg shrugs.

"It's the First of August," Draco says.

"Exactly. It's the First of August," Richard says, holding his hands out in two excited fists before him.

"So what?" Joe asks.

"So," Richard says, taking the time to draw out the word and therefore draw out the anticipation. No one bites. "So, the Hogwarts acceptance letters just went out. And the Hogwarts Supply Lists just arrived in the houses of every single student at that school. And do you know what that means?" He looks around at the team. He sees comprehension dawn in Greg's eyes.

"Yes, team. It means today will be the busiest day of the year. The day when ordinary house witches turn in to vicious book hunting animals, blinded by the need to get their precious children the correct textbooks, and eager to get the school shopping done early. If this were a zoo I'd say run for your lives, but this is Flourish and Blotts and we run from no challenge!" He punches a fist in the air. He feels his shirt ride up his stomach again but he ignores it. He stares around at his team, wild eyed and excited. They blink back at him. Nathalie blows a bubble with her gum and it pops with a loud snap.

"Yeah," Greg cries after a beat, raising his own fist. "We're with you, Big Dick!" Richard grimaces slightly at the nickname and then continues to grin around at them. He looks at Draco, who the team looks up to, and is relieved when the blond man steps forward and begins directing the team to various parts of the store. Richard puts his fist down and straightens his shirt again.

"Right," he says as the team members begin to move throughout the store. "I will be in my office." He hurries away, eager to get started on his morning cauldron cake.


Meanwhile, many miles away in a top secret location in Northern England, Oliver Wood is in mortal peril. He has found the package that he came to this location to get, but he can hear the hit wizards moving in fast. He curses. His eyes rove the mostly bare room for something he can use as a portkey and, finding nothing, he pulls off his watch. It will do, even though he is loathe to part with it.

He can hear shouts down the corridor and he knows his colloportus won't last for long once they reach the door. His mind casts around for the right person or coordinates to send the package to. He hears a fist slam on the door behind him and he jumps. There is a series of loud bangs as the hit wizards begin trying to break down the colloportus holding the door shut.

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