1: He's Alive

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It all seemed to happen in slow motion.

You were watching from behind your computer screen as General Pryde whipped around with a blaster gripped in his hands.

The look on his face as he shot the General would be burned in your memory forever. 

Unforgiving eyes. A face set in stone. The slight scowl on his face as he disposed of the General like he didn't matter -

But the General did matter. To you.

Not just because you'd had a crush on him ever since you'd been recruited as a pilot for the Starkiller, but because he was your general, and he was all you'd ever really known on this base.

And now he was gone.

Or was he?

As everybody began to clear out of the room, leaving Hux lying there like a discarded toy, you continued watching him. To make sure that he was definitely dead.

Was it your imagination...or was his chest rising and falling, just by a fraction of a centimetre each time? Was he taking the tiniest of breaths?

No way.

Had he survived the blaster?

The more you watched him, the more convinced you became that he was still breathing. Unless this was a hallucination, he was definitely alive.

This is my chance.

Now that there was nobody controlling the room, you could easily sneak over to Hux and drag him away to safety. Nobody would suspect that he was actually alive, as long as he didn't wake up. If everything went smoothly, they'd just think you were clearing out the dead body.

Yes. That's what I'll do.

But where were you going to go?

You couldn't keep him in the Starkiller base. That would be suicide. If someone discovered you, you'd be killed as well as Hux.

No, you had to find a ship and leave.

Leave, and never come back.

You took a deep breath. All of this danger for a simple crush?

But no, you reminded yourself, he wasn't just a crush. He was your general, and a damn good general at that. He deserved to be saved.

Making your decision, you stood up and made your way over to him.

Don't worry, we'll be safe soon.

If He'd Lived (General Hux x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now