Chapter one: Human People

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"Joanna, you said your mom and dad were never home, your brother bullied you and you couldn't stand up for yourself because of your size and undiagnosed or missed diagnosed disorders which we will talk about" the young new therapist asked the half-native girl. Joanna looked down and nodded. The therapist looked over, then wrote some notes.

"Joanna, you can talk to me, I won't tell anyone. I know the last therapist you had told your parents but listen here sweetie. I'm here to listen and give you my help" Joanna looked at the young therapist who she seemed to start to trust.

"I...I have a.." Joanna froze, she stared at her therapist.

"Joanna? are you there?"

"This is not Joanna"

"who may I be talking to at the moment?"


"ok, Chris...why are you talking right now may I ask" the kinda now scared therapist.

"shes to stressed to said we were missed diagnosed..."

"oh yes, you were diagnosed as bi-polar but it's actually D.I.D which is Dissociative identity disorder...which explains you, Chris" Joanna/Chris nodded.

"It makes sense... I can explain the others...I'm here when shes stressed" Chris said calmly.

"I would be grateful to hear"

"There is a girl named Candy...shes her more sexually side, there's a girl named Lyra who is here for support...she is also the reason we won't drive...she passed away in an...accident...a demon we call nightmare...she only comes out in... certain scenarios" the boy in the females body said to the therapist.  Joanna took a moment and blanked out. She then looked back to her therapist.

"you met Chris?"

"Yes, I did"

"I would explain about them but I can't...the man...said to keep it to myself"

"Joanna, we have to forget about the made up man"

"He's not made up!" Joanna stood up.

"If he was fake, I would be DEAD. NO ONE LISTENS TO ME EVER! This is why talking to people like you! You don't care!"

"Joanna, I'm trying my best with you! Please sit down. And if the man is real tell me something about him" Joanna sat down. She knew that the female therapist wouldn't believe her. After the Slenderman wannabe proxy thing happened a couple years before.

"You won't believe'll think I'm crazy"

"Joanna I'm here to listen and not judge"

"No, I'll keep it to myself and by the way mrs.Wero...I need my ticket to get my is tight" Joanna said as she got up. Mrs.Wero nodded.

"Joanna, I'll see you next week ok?" Joanna nodded and left. As she left the room she passed a red hair lady. She has seen this lady before and felt like she needed to meet them one day but not today. She had to get to the local shoppers to get her meds and milk.

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