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It was the middle of the night. I quickly snuck out of my house. I knew if anyone were to see my I would be done. But I was meeting a friend on the other side of the fence. See the fence was created years ago. Sadly the boy I've known and loved secretly is on the other side. Where everyone is forbidden to go. But that doesn't mean we can't see each other when we are on our sides.

Ever since I went searching and exploring for maybe an exit to this place I met Luke. With his bright sky blue eyes and jet black hair I fell in love. Not at first but after all these years I realized he was pretty attractive. But of course, we could never be together. First because We are on other sides of the fence and second because he would never love a girl with messy dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.

I walked to the fence and I saw him. Luke. I always appeared late because his side of the fence was more easygoing than mine. Ours is basically doing this everyday of the year. Wake up. Go to school. Eat. Sleep. That's the extent of the days here. But where Luke's from.... It's the exact opposite. Everyone is happy. Of course everyone there goes to school but after that they are free to do what they want.

Anyways I walked up to him. He was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. As for me? My boring school uniform that we wore EVERYDAY. He smiled at me. He had an amazing smile. I smiled back and looked at him "Hey Luke how was your day?"

I shouldn't even ask. Of course it's going to be good. His smile faded and he looked down

"It was.... Okay."

    I frowned at him "Luke.... Something isn't right. What's wrong?" I wanted him to look at me. But I knew he wouldn't, and he didn't.  

"Bethany.... I think people are catching on to what I'm doing at night. As much as my side is free we both know one rule on both sides is don't talk to anyone on the other side." I sighed and finally looked away myself. Luke was my only friend. I couldn't lose him.

"Luke... It'll be okay," I said quietly. He looked at me and reached over the fence and grabbed my hands holding them tightly.

"Bethany what if it's not? What if they catch me? I'll be forced to tell then I was talking to you! And not only will they kill me but they will kill you! Bethany I can't lose you because-" He stopped instantly. I looked at him and frowned.

"Why can't you lose me-" He stopped me instantly "Because I have feelings for you!" I looked at him in shock.

I quietly stuttered, "I-I like you too." He smiled and put his fingers under my chin and lifts my head up. He stares into my eyes and I stare into his. Of course I get lost in his as I always do. He then brings his lips to mine and kisses me lightly. 'Wow he's a good kisser' I think to myself as I kissed him back softly. After a minute we pull away from each other. He smiles wide and I do the same.

"I should go Beth. I'll see you tomorrow night, and somehow Bethany we will be together, but without the fence.” He looked at me and I looked back. After a few minutes of staring into each others eyes, he turned around and ran into the distance. As I watched him I knew that if we had enough hope we could do this. We could get our way in happiness, without the fence getting in the way.

I turned around and ran back to my house. Lucky my room was on the bottom floor of the house. I quickly crawled through the of my room and went to my bed. I didn’t even want to change my clothes. Even though my day doesn’t seem stressful it is. Especially now that I know that Luke, the person of my dreams, likes me. That people are catching on to him. That someday me or worse him might be killed because of our feelings, breaks my heart. I’ve always read stories about how people unexpectedly fell in love with each other. I wanted that so badly. Now I might finally have a chance at it. There’s only one problem… The fence.

But for now all I can do is lay down and sleep. Because that’s all I can do for now. But eventually I will get my happy ending. Maybe not now, or  for a long time. But all I have is Luke and my family. I will just have to survive off of that. For now, thats my hope for getting my happy ending.

The boy on the Other SideWhere stories live. Discover now