What if Gilbert Actually Comforted Anne?

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Anne continued to cry as she proceeded to cut the cake out of the pan. She was so overwhelmed by the fact that she had made a perfect cake, but also that Mary wasn't there to see her do it. She missed Mary so much, and it broke her heart knowing she wouldn't be in Delphine's life to watch her grow, just as Anne's mother wasn't able to do. Suddenly, She heard footsteps on the front steps. She looked up to see Gilbert Blythe peering through the glass door. He smiled at her.

"Hi there!" He said cheerfully. He opened the door and stepped into the kitchen. He closed the door behind him. "Is Matthew home?" I was hoping to borrow a pair of cufflinks." Anne sniffled and dragged her sleeve across her face before Gilbert saw her in her in a disastrous state of messy braids, a runny nose, and eyes red with tears. He looked up at her. "Have you been..." He motioned to the kitchen table, littered with ingredients and tools, "chopping onions?" She shook her head and looked towards the cake as her lip trembled.

"I miss Mary, Gilbert." she confessed as she began to sob. "And knowing she wont be here to see me bake this cake for her or watch Delphine grow up to be a wonderful young girl or to spend time with you or Sebastian, I... I... I cant bear it!" Tears rolled down her face. Gilbert considered leaving, but the sight of Anne crying broke his heart, and he felt tears prick at his own eyes. He quickly walked over to the table where Anne was standing, put his arms around her, pulled her close, and stood there and hugged her, similar to how she hugged him when they found out Marys illness wasnt going to let her stay with them.

Anne hugged him back and leaned her head against his shoulder. Gilbert felt Anne's sobs and hugged her tighter, not wanting to let go and completely forgetting about Winifred and the reason he came to Green Gables in the first place. The only thing on his mind, as usual, was Anne. "It's going to be alright, Anne," he softly whispered, "everything's going to be alright." He felt her calm down a little, but the two continued to hold each other, not having an intention to let go anytime soon.

The two overheard someone step into the kitchen and let go to see Matthew standing by the backdoor awkwardly, and holding a magnificent radish the size of a baby, but a lot larger. Matthew cleared his throat.

"Uh, g-good day to you, G-Gilbert." He tipped his hat. He nodded towards Anne. "Anne." He proceeded to scoot out of the room, trying not to smile. "I'll, uh, leave you two to it." When he was gone, Anne and Gilbert looked at each other, and smiled, both falling for the other all over again.

The End

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