Chapter One:

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Nothing in life seemed to be easy for you. Starting with your mother's death when you were five from cancer to your fathers' murder when you were eleven due to his crippling gambling debt. Since those events took place, you had been put in the adoption system. Ranging from being stuck in the orphanage to being placed in abusive households. Currently, you were back in the orphanage after being removed from a rather neglectful pair of adoptive parents. Not that this place was any better. You were constantly mistreated by the staff. Still, you had some form of hope in the form of your 18th birthday being only a month away. Soon, you'll be out of the system and on your own. Hopefully, to lead a semi-normal life.

The day carried on as usual. Wake up, eat breakfast, attend school, go back to the orphanage and try to survive the rest of the day. Currently, you were surviving. As you sat down for dinner you couldn't help but notice the person standing next to the head of this whole establishment. He had to be at least 6'2 and he wore clothes from the 1920's era. He had brown, short, but fluffy hair, brown eyes, and slightly darker skin. You assumed he was Creole. He was quite handsome, you had to admit. Only when his eyes met yours did you realize you were staring, but something about his gaze had you transfixed. It was almost like he himself was forcing you to maintain the sudden eye contact. Only when he looked away were you able to tear your gaze away from his. A shiver went down your spine. "What the fuck?" you muttered to yourself. "(Y/N)" you were startled out of your thoughts by a voice by your side. You look up to be met with the stern face of the head of the orphanage, Miss. Shannon. "Yes?" "Pack your belongings, your being adopted today." You couldn't help but leap from your seat and rush past her. Excited to be out of here, yet also hesitant. Your last adoptive parents weren't exactly kind to you. But nonetheless, you were excited. Once you were in your room you got out your small suitcase and began putting your clothes in it. Then, you grabbed the picture frame on your bedside table. It was of you, your dad, and your mom when you were 3 years old. You couldn't help but stare at the photo and miss them. You were too young to know your mother properly, but you had been with your dad for quite a while, so it hurt you significantly more to remember him. You finished packing your bag and quickly made your way to Miss. Shannon's office. Knocking softly, you waited. The door opened revealing Miss. Shannon at her desk and the man you had seen earlier that evening. "h-hello" you stuttered out at the man. "Hello dear! I am Alastor. It's quite the pleasure to meet you." he replied. Miss. Shannon had him finish up the last of the paperwork and soon enough you were both at the front door.

 You both stopped a moment once outside, sheltered from the downpouring rain underneath the overhead of the building as Alastor pulled out his umbrella. He held it in between the both of you as you both walked out into the parking lot. a loud thunderous boom echoed throughout the sky causing you to stop in your tracks and cover your ears.... despite being seventeen you were terrified of thunder..."(Y/N)...are you alright my dear?" Alastor asked, stopping as well. You nodded your head and removed your hands, once you were under the safety of the umbrella you both started walking again.  When you both reached his car, he opened the trunk and put your suitcase into it, then he proceeded to open the passenger door for you, helping you inside then shutting it. 'He really is quite a gentleman' you thought as you buckled yourself in. Alastor started the car and began to pull out of the parking lot. You weren't quite sure where you were anymore once he had driven out of the city, taking the backroads in a very wooded side of the county. The leaves had all turned a beautiful yellow and orange, you were always quite fond of this season despite the low temperatures it brought with it. The car ride was silent, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. You were pulled from your thoughts when Alastor pulled into a long-paved driveway, completely submerged into the woods. As the car pulled in the house was finally revealed. It was a beautiful styled Victorian home, almost mansion like in size. It was absolutely stunning! the house was about two and a half stories high, covered in beautiful, mossy, stone walls. The yard was well kept, adorned in shrubs and colorful flowers that hadn't been killed off yet by the oncoming cold of autumn.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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