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Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious

Jade POV:

I opened my eyes and saw Beck starring at me. He just smirked and kissed my forehead. "Good morning, babe", he softly said. I smiled and said "Morning. How long have you already been up?" "Half an hour. Aiden got scared of a thunderstorm and started crying.", he explained and stroked my cheek.

Suddenly we heard a scream "Mommy? Daddy? " Before I walked into Aiden's room, I put on my shorts because I slept, like usual, in my underwear and a shirt of Beck. When I arrived in Aiden's room, I picked him up, smiled at him and said "Good morning, baby." I quickly changed his diapers before going to the kitchen, where Beck was already waiting for us. He wore grey sweatpants and a white shirt, which kinda showed his abs. My mother, Jessica West, already made pancakes for everyone. While everyone ate, I prepared the porridge for Aiden and started feeding him. From the side of my eye I could tell that Beck was starring at me with a goofy smile. I just had to roll my eyes at his gesture.

Beck POV:

At breakfast Jasper said something about his soccer team and what he wanted for his 8th birthday. But I didn't really listen to him. All I could think of is how cute Jade looked and especially with Aiden. I think she caught me starring because I saw her rolling her eyes.

 "I'm gonna go and get changed. While I'm doing that, could you maybe change Aiden?" she asked me. I just nodded and picked our son up. I changed him into some comfortable pants and a basic white shirt. When Jade was finished, she took Aiden and went to the living room with him. Now was my turn to go and get changed. I picked out some Levis jeans, a white shirt and a red flannel.

Jade POV:

I put on a black leggings and a black sweather. I took Aiden so Beck can go and get changed. I sat my son on his play blanket and gave him some toys. While he played I sat on the couch and watched TV. Beck came down and sat next to me. He pulled me on his lap and I cuddled into him. Everything was fine and quiet until my brother ran down the stairs, destroyed the atmosphere. I groaned and shot him a glare after he complained to my mom " I hate the Storm. It's so boring here. Why can't we just leave and go to the park?" " Because the storm is really bad and it's too dangerous outside. We could play a game in your room.", she explained. They went up stairs to Jasper's room when suddenly the doorbell rang.


Helou. I'm new to this and my english is bad so I'm sorry about that. I hope you like the story so far and I know the chapter is pretty short but the next are going to be longer. Oh, and I'm sorry if the characters are often OC. I would be happy if you'd leave a feedback.

Aiden James West-OliverWhere stories live. Discover now