Hello Hello! (A/N)

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For the record, I have no idea what I'm doing with my life.

So since people's reaction to this was much more positive than I expected, I decided to do it. This is my FNAF book. In 2020. Here we go.

Okay, first things first. Some clearups to avoid confusion.

-This is not an exclusively serious or exclusively horror book. I made this to have fun, and for you guys to (hopefully) have fun with me, and I'm publishing whatever the hell I want here. Serious or crack, dark or lighthearted. It doesn't matter.

-Yes, there will be ships here. If that bothers you then leave.

-I know shipping is a bit of a delicate process because most of the characters are children/are possessed by children. I am not opposed to any platonic (friend/family) ships. I ONLY DO ROMANTIC SHIPS BETWEEN ADULT HUMAN CHARACTERS. NO EXCEPTIONS. Get out with your SpringtrapxPuppet bullshit. That's right, I remember you. No. Stop. Please.

-I write for the canon universe and aus, mainly Rebornica's universe/storyline, because I believe the two can and should coexist peacefully.

-I use a ton of headcanons, mostly for things that are left ambiguous in canon. I have absolutely no problem if you disagree with a headcanon so long as you are respectful. In fact, I'd be interested in hearing about what headcanons you have.

-Cringe culture is dead, and as I previously stated, I made this to have fun. Any and all hate comments will be deleted. (NOTE: I do not consider constructive criticism hate.)

-Lastly, I will be taking requests! I'll add a formal request chapter soon; for now you can put your requests here.

Okay, that's all for now. Enjoy the nostalgia!

FNAF Book, because fuck you allWhere stories live. Discover now